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What is your pets favorite toy?

My dog dosen't play  but my cat loves to play and her favorite toy is a Zip Tie.  I  hold it by the pointy tip part and get  it bouncing up and down while saying  -  bonga bonga bonga. It drives her crazy because I can easilly change the speed of the up and down motion so it becomes a real challenge for  her to hit it. Cheers!

Posted - June 25, 2020


  • 10795

    It depends on what day it is.  Today it’s a moose.  Yesterday it was a duck. 

    My dog has lots of toys - 3 partially stuffed moose (he’s removing their stuffing a bit at a time), 5 hedgehogs (3 large, 2 small), 2 squeaky ducks, 2 stuffed “worms”, 1 stuffed blue dog, 1 giant stuffed brown dog, and a hot dog.  He knows each one of them by name and keeps them in a plastic box under the stand my pineapple plants sit on.  Sometimes he’ll put one away and get another, other times he’ll pile them up all around him.  Sometimes he’ll carefully go through the entire box looking for “just the right one”. 

    My old cat likes a small mouse and a small worm.  He too has myriads of toys that he keeps them behind the recliner in his “panther pad” (I put them in a box for him, but he always dumps them out).   He rubs on worm, but holds onto mouse.

    My little cat doesn’t care about toys, although he will curl up and go to sleep around one of the dog’s toys if it’s nearby (not sure if he’s cuddling or just trying to rile the dog).

      June 25, 2020 11:56 AM MDT

  • 457
    Anything he thinks will annoy me enough to give him the attention he constantly craves. Normally anything on a table or countertop that he can knock over.
      June 25, 2020 12:21 PM MDT

  • 8277
    A rubberband preferably one that is curled up,  weird cat.  They all like a tennis ball.  They hold it in their front paws against their belly and bunny kick the heck out of it.  I have one they have kicked the cloth almost completely off. 
      June 25, 2020 2:10 PM MDT

  • 44752
    My cat will usually only play with a piece of rope if we play with her.
      June 25, 2020 2:39 PM MDT

  • 1817
    my cat has a brown mouse on a string and she LOVES it. she drags it around the house and drops it at our feet until we play with her. she also has a grey mouse full of catnip she carries around and sleeps with 
      July 1, 2020 9:16 AM MDT

  • 11403
    I grow fresh catnip for my cat. And every now and then I cut some off the plant - roll it around in my hands to activate it then I put it in a empty TP roll - add couple of marbles then duct tape the ends  of the TP roll to keep the suff inside. Between the sound of the marbles clicking  together and the fresh catnip it drives her crazy. Cheers!
      July 1, 2020 10:05 AM MDT