Rest easy, Jaimie. You’ll always have your connection to Randall D to comfort you during this difficult and trying time.
Translation: “He’s so right! I don’t know why I don’t just look at the positives first. Silly me. To thank him, I should go into my basement and make a zillion mustard sandwiches for him while I wait out these ten days. He’s really a saint.”
You’re right Randy! I’m so lucky to have you in my life. My first self-isolation project will be to write a list of all the ways my life has improved since our last divorce.
Too many typos to count. Our remarriage is now called off.
Hold on now, I don’t want any vodka in my mustard sandwiches. Sleep it off for a few days before you start making them, please.
Why don’t you do something to help me? Grrrrrrr.
The owner of the company I work for is so very generous, he’d probably pay you to self- isolate with me if I asked him to lol. I’m actually not allowed to be on social media anymore though because of my new contract. I don’t really think this counts because it’s not real name social media, but I’m not really sure. I’m going with a don’t ask don’t tell policy so I don’t have to quit this site like I had intended a month or so ago. So I can’t ask him to pay you....Okay, I’ve only been in self-isolation for about 12 hours so far and I’m already starting with the long rambles. I don’t think this going to go very well for me. I probably would have just been home tonight anyway but I don’t like it when I have to be.