Pick a #topic
I was Booved this morning, what shall I do? : )
He is not earning the rights he assumes. Time for him to buck up and, well he knows what he should be doing.
Would you sign my petition to get Billy back?
Happy Birthday non Canadian terrorists!!!!!
You mean he's been booted off ?
boo to Boved whomever he is.
Well.....PICK SOMETHING, Superior Kitteh!
I'm all about the Amerikan Terrorists for the 4th
What? Where is he? and why is he gone?
Exactly! The first time I heard it I knew. Awwwww
He's been suspended.
I was suspended for much less egregious "sins" then Mr. Madison.
He can take his lumps like the rest of us.
I knew for sure, for sure when I heard the "can I come into the out now," : )
An absolutely delightful and enjoyable story/movie. It has my seal of approval.
I just hit 433 friends.....I think maybe two are real !
Who cares what you do. Really. Who cares.
I thought the way everyone was going on and on that he was thrown off here or something. That would be scary because if they throw him off, no one (me) is safe any longer. LOL It was like having AL around as insurance way back when. Remember that guy? Most people barely do.
What kind?
Nothing. Let's just behave ourselves.
Coal Tar
Interesting word, 'egregious'
It's etymology stems from the Latin for 'illustrious'. However, over time it has come to mean more or less the opposite