Ive been living here almost 5 yrs and last april they decided to tear down the library, court house and fire station down the street and make a convention center out of it. Ever since then I'm exhausted, they have no consideration, theyve woken me up at 5am, Im in school right now and cant even do homework at all at home,not even at night since now theyre starting to work till midnight, I sleep with fans on and earplugs, at least that part is a little further away so i can get away with hearing them using a fan and earplugs, the demolition has woken me up at 5am, im in school and need my sleep. right now im hearing stuff slamming around, they take all your quiet times away from you, i never have a quiet night anymore, cant even enjoy saturdays anymore, its not like i can take off to the movies, cant find work so i cant just spend money like that, ive even seen them around on sundays too. theyre there almost 24/7. i ever heard them when it was raining out this morning so nothing keeps them away. I cant just move cause i have hud , moving would be too expensive unless someone wanted to hire me as a live in which is something ive looked into. I have filed a complaint but all they say is their permit allows them to do this anytime they want, literally 24/7. I wouldve never moved here if id known they were going to do this, now i cant sleep nights either thanks to them. so where can you complain about it when theres no where to complain to? any suggestions?