personally id like to . theres many women i find pretty but it never works out . maybe because i look ugly sometimes ?
if i was prettier im sure id get women
I've never been romantically attracted to someone of another race until I came on answermug.
However, I do have a kindred spirit connection with African Americans. It probably began with the portrayal of them in the movies as kind and long-suffering. My personal experience has been: genuineness and kindness with the African American community as a whole. It could also be I sense the inner strength in most people due to their struggles in life which I admire. I know there are exceptions, I'm just conveying my experiences.
2 latte
Did someone say nipples?
I know you didn’t mean it that way, Pal. I’m just joking around as usual.
Meh, more like a suggestion for the two of them get a room.