*This refers only to any profanity that your parent(s) personally used when addressing you directly and/or when speaking to other people while you were within earshot. It does NOT refer to any other instances when the profanity was via media sources and/or people other than your parent(s) and you were allowed to be exposed to it.
A. Absolutely none (such as, he/she/they never used any profanity at all).
B. Absolutely none (such as, I now know that he/she/they used profanity, but took care not to do so in my presence).
C. Only a few curse words here and there during my entire childhood, but it was extremely seldom, definitely not an everyday occurrence.
D. Some cursing on a steady basis throughout my entire childhood, it was part of his/her/their everyday speech.
E. A constant barrage of cursing that punctuated almost every sentence he/she/they ever uttered.
E1. In addition to E above, he/she/they used curse words/profanity directly referring to me, such as supposed “humor”, jeers, taunts, name-calling, or threats.
F. Two or more of the above, specifically:___________.
G. None of the above, or other answer, specifically:___________.
A. My parents were devout Christians and NEVER used ANY profanity. They wouldn’t tolerate anyone using profanity in their household either.
I love your father.
I have relatives in their late 30s who are raising young children. Both the husband and wife use profanity almost as often as they inhale and exhale, and there’s not much evidence that they even attempt to restrict it around their children. One of the children was sent home from elementary school after repeated incidents of cursing, each time had carried a warning and notification of the parents. The reason my wife and I know about it is that in a conversation about parents interacting with the school, such as helping on classrooms, making sure homework is getting done, knowing your children’s friends and the families of those friends, etc., they sort of laughed off the incident. They acknowledged that they themselves use profanity all the time, but in the same breath “defended” it as being the normal way that language has evolved these days. That led into discussion of whether media imitates life or life imitates media.
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