A recent poll found that 38% of respondents, both Democrat and Republican, believe Joe Biden has cognitive issues...
...and 59% don't think he is capable of finishing a four-year term. Do you honestly think he can win in November, or are folks so blinded by Trump hatred that there's a lot of denial and wishful thinking going on?
Kamala Harris, the ultra-far-left progressive, who's record and actions illustrate she cannot be trusted with power would make a better POTUS? Are you sure you want to stick to that story?
Absolutely. She's perfectly compos mentis, for starters - something which is doubtful about the other three. Her politics is dead center - she's regarded as "ultra-far-left" only by a GOP which has veered so far to the lunatic Right that it makes Mussolini look like an outright Communist by comparison.
She is rated the most liberal Senator in the Senate. (Keep in mind Sanders is a Senator as well) Harris is not center in the US. Antifracking, pro Green New deal, pro Choice, proGun control, medicare for all including illegals, etc....just what issue is she center on? https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/report-cards/2019/senate
This post was edited by my2cents at August 20, 2020 7:47 AM MDT
Do the homework. Kamala Harris has been ultra-far-left progressive since she became a Senator and before. But then, if someone is an ultra-far-left progressive themself, I can understand why they would choose her. :)
I personally believe that Biden has definite issues. I've listened to some of his speeches where his comprehension meter hovered at zero and he couldn't string two coherent sentences together. Then, after a few embarrassing moments, when he was finally able to continue, he still ended up making no sense whatsoever. I was actually embarrassed for the guy.
If this Election were in the field of Democracy Yes Biden would win. He has Kamala, and the two make a good team to restore us to Democracy. But Sadly our Democracy disappears more and more each day. ...Trump is destroying the vote from US Citizens. He doesn't need Elections, He is Dictator in control, The Lawsuits are so rampant from Trump stopping mail in voting in the states that allow it...This chaos will be tied up in courts forever. Even if somehow the results of a maybe election shows Trump lost... That would not deter him. He won't leave. He has control. Democracy has lost it's Glamor it seems...sad... Such a good concept. I Would prefer to live in a Democracy Rather than a Dictatorship. YOU? VOTE
I don't like Trump either and I didn't and wouldn't vote for him, but he is nothing like a dictator. Perhaps you should read some history and look at dictators like Castro, Hitler, and Mussolini. Get off the ridiculous fake news and get real.
Check Hitler's record from 1933-36. He was elected, too. Trump is behaving very much like Putin (of whom he is a noted fanboi). Very close to dictatorship.