Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» Have you ever come up with an idea while laying in bed half asleep only to wake up the next morning and think "Wow I'm an idiot."?
I was going to answer in a similar vein but I wanted to see if someone else already went down my same road and I see you did. Your answer could be mine. :)
Be Well, From The Fellow Traveler on the Idiot Road. :)
Rarely in the morning. However, I was taking a break from a very difficult math problem once. I laid on the couch and half dozed off. The solution to the problem popped into my head. I immediately popped up and solved it. My best Ideas come to me when I am stoned, but I never remember them the following morning.
Wait a minute, you mean she talked? No one was supposed to find out about that! I thought hush money is a binding contract, isn’t it? How could she have talked about it? Grrrrrrrr.