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Where is the nearest National Park from you?

Posted - October 8, 2020


  • 53686


      Thank you for your concern, Livvie, you prompted me to look into things and I have good news!  Everything is fine. 

      You see, in that particular rebel group, there are three women with the name Isabel. 
    1) María Isabel Mata-Gente
    2) Isabel Perfecta Parra-dela Harén-
    and mine is
    3) Isabel Dulce Amador-Cariñosa.

    The rebel leader who was just released from custody actually has the first two Isabels as his  women, so I’m completely in the clear. Isn’t it grand how things just seem to work themselves out for me?



      October 12, 2020 7:31 PM MDT

  • 35036
    About 6 hrs Hot Springs AR
      October 9, 2020 11:04 AM MDT

  • 17657
    Everglades NP, Dry Tortugus NP, and Biscayne NP are all nearby.  Dry Tortugus is in the Keys and only  accessible by boat or seaplane.
      October 9, 2020 6:20 PM MDT

  • 5450
    Badlands National Park

      October 10, 2020 12:01 PM MDT

  • 1893

    Danube-Auen National Park,a%20cultivated%20landscape%20in%20a%20riparian%20zone%20.

      October 14, 2020 1:49 AM MDT

  • 3719
    And from abroad....

    Exmoor, (SW England) I think: about 70 or 80 miles from home.

    The New Forest is a bit closer to me, but although it is protected, I don't know if it is listed as a National Park. New? Well, it was new when it was established... in the 13C I think; and as a royal hunting preserve though that use ended a very long time ago.

    Part of England's South Coast is designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its geology (a largely unbroken, conformable succession of Mesozoic rocks). There has been some recent discussion about having it declared a National Park, but to date it has only been discussion. 

    One important point about British national-parks is that they are not wildernesses pickled in aspic and "NO!" notices, but are living, breathing areas of chiefly agricultural land with towns and villages, roads, railways, farms and light industries. 
      November 2, 2020 2:42 PM MST