I would tell you but you know I can’t post that here cos, STALKER RANDY.
You make it sound as if you’re worried that I might just show up unexpectedly and uninvited one night . . .
We’ve been married to and divorced from each other seventeen times now; I know everything there is to know about you . . .
Just a couple of hours away from me is Joshua Tree National Park.
(((Pssssst, what’s the approximate distance from Ciervo to Livvie’s place in the United States? Longitude and latitude, compass headings, altitude, closest landmarks, and the nearest law enforcement responding units to her place would also be very helpful information, please.)))
Hey, wait . . .
Er, um, thanks anyway for offering to get me back to B.A., but I met one of those rebels, one thing has lead to another, and I have decided I’ll stay in the jungle . . . (cough, cough)