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Discussion » Questions » Politics » you have the same racial discrimination problems as we have in the US? you have the same racial discrimination problems as we have in the US?

Quebecois don't count...they hate everyone.

Posted - October 17, 2020


  • 11399
    Ya there is too much of that here to but it's a little different. Instead of black and white racial discrimination it is mostly red and white racial dissemination. We also have a few white supremacies groups - scary part is their numbers are growing and I think just like those Proud Boys they are standing back and standing by. Cheers and happy weekend! This post was edited by Nanoose at October 19, 2020 8:22 AM MDT
      October 17, 2020 7:40 PM MDT

  • 13395
    I would readily tend to agree and there has been also some racial  tensions against Asian people too.
      October 17, 2020 9:43 PM MDT

  • 7408

    No, I really don’t believe we do, but maybe I just don’t see it based off the other answers here so far. 

      October 18, 2020 8:34 AM MDT

  • 11399
    I was just watching the news about the lobster dispute that's happing on the east coast of Canada. The dispute is between First Nations lobster fishermen and white lobster fishermen. It has only been a few days but it seems like the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have already taking a side and like always its not the side of the First Nation people. The RCMP work for the government so if our leader wanted to go out for a walk on a Pier and he figured he should  have peaceful First Nations protestors tear gassed first the RCMP would have to do it and some of them would enjoy doing it because they are racist. Cheers!
      October 18, 2020 11:33 AM MDT