Name some of your favorite movies and/or songs that contain in their titles any of the fifteen words listed above, which are names of bodies of water.
While admittedly not a completely exhaustive list of all the possible names of bodies of water, there are enough major ones there that give a wide range from which you may find titles.
Spelling, punctuation, capitalization all must be correct in order to collect the prize. Any verifiable movie or song title of any language may be used, but only the fifteen words shown above can be part of your answer, not merely placing the word in a non-translated title. Also, you must show both the foreign and English versions, and you must state which foreign language(s) you used. (For example, “Río Bravo” translates from Spanish to English as “Rough River”, so the title in Spanish alone would not be accepted, but along with its English translation would be accepted.)
As an added incentive to participate, I will award 1,000 AnswerMug points to the first person who lists fully fifteen separate* movie and/or song titles that fall into the parameters shown above.
*A movie and a song that both have the same title count as two separate entries, such as the name of a theme song that mirrors the name of the movie in which it wa played, or a song that is named after a movie, or a movie that is named after a song.
Thanks, but for this one, posting a recording of the songs themselves is not necessary, just the titles.
Yeah, right. I’ll include them with your next .73 cent alimony check. Keep holding your breath until you receive them.
I can’t just give you a whole bunch of points without you doing anything to earn them. I’ll tell you what: I’m willing to compromise, so let’s meet and look at some options. Just book a flight to San Diego, I’ll pick you up at the airport and get a room nearby so that you and I can discuss it during an all-nighter.
Wait! You didn’t give me a chance to tell you about the accompanying special program that I had tailor-made just for you! The book is doing great in its genre, so if you stick around, there might even be an upcoming movie deal in it for you!
Sure. I know where to find you . . .
It’s a compromise. If she works hard enough for the points, she just may earn some of them by the time she leaves to go back home to Canada. (Cough, cough.)
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have a winner! The prize of 1000 points has just been awarded to Slart. Good on ya, Mate!