Discussion»Questions»Religion and Spirituality» Instead of learning bible stories at early age wouldn't it be better to learn science concepts first then scripture when one is more mature?
How about just cutting to the chase and teaching them Quantum Physics.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 16, 2016 11:20 AM MDT
Any kind of basic science concepts would be better than teaching supernatural stuff to young vulnerable minds ..unless existence of supernatural powers can be proven.
Does a child really understand the meaning of Christmas or Easter? Bible stories are in our culture, whether you are Christian or not. People go to weddings, baptisms, and funerals and that involves so form of ritual.
Children in war-torn countries experience religion in ways that come from history and religions.
Children encounter fear at an early age. They are taught stories to help them cope with it, so stories can be helpful. Fear is real. Even adults face fears.
Some people believe that the Bible is the Word of God. They want their children to learn about it at an early age.
I think love and some sort of faith can develop quite naturally without the supernatural influence within religion.
One can develop their own concept of God that is suitable for their needs that don't have to be necessarily based upon what is learned from scriptures.
Faith can be effective and beneficial whatever it is based upon.
Funny thing like a sick/injured person might benefit knowing someone is praying for them but another person may take a turn for the worse thinking their condition is so bad that their only hope is to be prayed for.
When I was quite young the simple idea that God created everything was a suitable answer as a temporary measure I must admit but I also kind of saw nature as a reality without God/supernatural influence. Kind of confusing.. Anyway after some years of pondering existence/non existence of God I suppose it is OK learn about God but not be forced or coerced to believe. I can agree with Buddha anyway where he suggests to begin by learning a philosophy of life/living and leave beginnings (of existence ) to science.
Agree that "love and some sort of faith can develop quite naturally" and I think that there are some lucky ones who "develop their own concept of God that is suitable for their needs" They then, for companionship, look for others who share that concept the closest and join the religion of those others.
...I think a Spiritual understanding, a Spiritual upbringing and awareness and good human values should be from the start with the child. as well as between the parents. ... Science will work hand in hand with spirituality. Science covers the phenomenal Physical world while a spiritual understanding is our basis for our absolute foundation of existence. ... Religions? I don't fancy them. They don't give you a direct experience of God. A direct experience of the oneness within everyone is crucial to understanding life and who we are. ...that being said, there are some bible stories for kids that are not full of confusion and dogma but simply teach being good, love thy neighbor etc which I think parents can use, at their discretion, when they have a good spiritual understanding of life, they can use these as spiritual lessons for growing.
No, 'cause the whole idea is to "get 'em while they're young," instill those false ideals and behaviors/rituals at a young age so they will grow up thinking that's the only way... But sure, science is good to learn at any age.
Seems what the religious right Powers-That-Be want and I do not think it is very progressive for society at all.
This post was edited by Kittigate at October 16, 2016 1:03 PM MDT
Yeah, no. I don't see how it could be. People don't need religion to be civil--it's our fellow humans that we should focus on praising and supporting, supporting each other, instead of trying to attain some impossible, dysfunctional, and unideal ideal of perfection.
Spiritual training is very important. God instructed the nation of Israel to educate their children at an early age. Deuteronomy 6:4-8 says: "listen o Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and soul and all your strength. These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart, and you must inculcate them in your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.
Proverbs 22:6 "train up a boy in the way he should go; even when he grows old he will not depart from it." These are only two scriptures of countless that counsel parents to start early in a child's life. Just like a gymnast's traning starts early in life so does the spiritual training.
This post was edited by Autumnleaves at October 17, 2016 8:50 AM MDT
All right but I think a person can develop quite well without having to believe there is a supernatural creator God that must be obeyed and which beliefs contradicts scientific knowledge.
"wouldn't it be better to learn science concepts first" I think that's inevitable. Nature makes sure that that happens. Before the baby picks up enough language for the teaching [indoctrination?] process to begin the baby is learning facts like, the louder you cry the quicker the attention, persistence does bring results eventually, if you loose balance you fall, falls can be painful. The baby doesn't know it's science but that's because it doesn't yet know technical words.