Through both humility and empathy.
Wrong “we”. Not everyone has the same experience(s).
Any time an all-inclusive concept is used, it completely ignores exceptions. Of course I object to the blanket use of the word “we” when it is inappropriately applied. In this particular instance, you stated that we get tired of certain things, I countered with examples that some people get tired and some do not. It’s situational and cannot be broadswept to encompass everyone.
I don’t see why that’s so difficult to understand.
I think that a person such as Mother Theresa was an example of untiring adherence to being humble and empathetic, and she is only one of millions of people who fit that same mold.
As human beings, different things tire different people. An addict may tire of his or her drug of choice, or on the other hand may tire of trying to quit or trying to stay clean of it, but not every addict is the same as every other addict. An athlete may tire of constantly staying in shape, or may tire of the disappointment of not achieving goals. Some athletes tire of different things. A poor person may tire of trying to rise above poverty and one day accept it as his or her lot in life. Another poor person may tire of the situation and use that as motivation to move forward. A trucker may tire of routes close to home that pay less money and one day branch out to long-haul routes that mean loneliness on the road and time away from family. A love-starved person might tire of seeking true intimacy and settle for merely physical interaction, but that doesn’t mean everyone on the same situation feels the same way. A creative person may tire of the fame found in succeeding and become a recluse.
Examples like these could go on and on.
All too often, many people (I’m not saying you) mistake open mindedness as “you-must-agree-with-me-ness”. They accuse others of not having an open mind, when in fact, a truly open mind must accept the possibility and the probability that one’s own views could be off-center, challengeable, challenged, rebutted, refuted, proven wrong, harmful, hurtful, negative, ill-recieved, backward, etc., etc., etc.