A Vegemite, mayo, or avocado consumption requirement for participation. Grrrrrrrr.
Coffee as a threat, really? Really? Grrrrrrr, you think you can get rid of me that easily? REALLY?
That #1 entry of yours is not only humor, it’s abject fiction. Come on, everybody knows stuff like that never happens!
I’m not originally from California, so this can’t be about me.
Hey, you’re not supposed to know about that arrest! I paid good money under the table to have those records expunged! How did you get your hands on them? Grrrrrrrr.
So many violators and violations, so few officers. (Sigh.)
Not to worry, my dear; your grammar is fine. In fact, it’s impeccable. Why in the heck do you think I’m so enamored with you?
Hey! Grrrrrrrr.