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So, here's what I was actually going to ask about when I got sidetracked about that lack of an "aging" category....

Do you think most people get more close-minded or open-minded about music as they get older? Or do you think age has nothing to do with it...if you've always been open to anything that sounds good to you regardless of genre, artist, etc. or have never really been that open?  (e.g. - I don't like Michael Jackson, The Beatles, country music, whatever, so even if I like the sound of a song I have to hate it because it's Celine Dion, Disturbed, Madonna, rap music, whatever). 

I like this Justin Bieber song and I'm not ashamed to say it. I know Jaimie is going to be so happy! 

Posted - January 8, 2021


  • 8276
    That's Justin Bieber?  wow I feel the is good. 
      January 8, 2021 5:52 PM MST

  • 10052
    I know, right? It's featured on a commercial that's getting heavy rotation. I was surprised it was Bieber when I looked it up! 

    People are so harsh toward celebrities, especially child celebs. You know how easy it is to get down on yourself when you make a mistake, particularly as a young person. Imagine if you had unlimited resources at 15 and millions of your peers worshipped you, and EVERYONE was watching everything you did, all the time. And when you start to grow up, every stupid-kid thing you did is what EVERYONE talks about. Forever.

    Yeah, the money and ego boost would be amazing, but I feel his pain in this song, too. 

      January 9, 2021 7:37 AM MST

  • 44761
    Closed. Send Beiber back to Kanadia.
      January 8, 2021 6:29 PM MST

  • 10052
      January 9, 2021 7:01 AM MST

  • 13277
    Beiber Bieber
      January 9, 2021 8:04 AM MST

  • 53687


     I don’t even give “new music” a chance any more, and I haven’t for at least the past twenty years. I’m still stuck on the 1980s musically, and I’m not only happy about it, I’m proud of it. In addition to the 1980s music that I love, I’m also a big fan of 1970s and 1960s music. There are a few, a very few, scattered 1990s songs that I like, but by the end of that decade, most of what was being released sounded like nothing more than noise to me. I’m not even familiar with the majority of music released after that.

      When I was growing up, I listened to what my parents liked, in my teens I began to branch away from older people’s choices in favor of newly-released music of that time period. My mother absolutely HATED my new-found music choices when I was a teenager. As I got older, into young adulthood and middle age, the music I had been listening to my whole life up to that point, that of my parents’ choices combined with my later choices, became my favorite choices. 

      My own children reiterated the process in their teens by branching away from my tastes and my wife’s tastes for their own new variations, which both of us HATED.

      I have come to see it as normal and natural that most people follow a similar viewpoint on music as they age, and that many (not ALL) older people absolutely despise newer music that differs greatly from their more youthful years.

      January 8, 2021 7:01 PM MST

  • 10052
    I appreciate your thoughtful response!

    So far, I'm still very open to new music and many genres, and even artists that I NEVER thought I'd appreciate. EVER. Never did I ever think I'd really like a Bieber song. 

      January 9, 2021 7:11 AM MST

  • 53687


     Ok, the divorce is back on. 


      January 9, 2021 5:31 PM MST

  • 10052
    I've added "Bieber" to the list. 

    Justin Bieber

      January 9, 2021 6:28 PM MST

  • 53687


      Unreconcilable Irreconcilable differences due to mental cruelty (and I’ll throw in abandonment of intimacy just for not being kinky enough for my tastes).

     I expect any judge in the land to award me at least three fifths of your net worth in Malimony.  


    This post was edited by Randy D at January 9, 2021 7:04 PM MST
      January 9, 2021 6:35 PM MST

  • 10052
    Unreconcilable? I thought it was always irreconcilable. 
    You don't really have any idea, though, do you? 

    Any judge in the land would laugh that someone would go to the trouble for so little money! 
      January 9, 2021 6:42 PM MST

  • 53687
      January 9, 2021 6:46 PM MST

  • 19937
    I like a variety of music genres, but growing up in the 50s and 60s, I prefer the music of that generation.  For the most part, you could understand almost all of the words, there were melodies not just words spoken to a beat.  Hip hop and rap - just noise and the lyrics on some of the songs are outright disgusting.  
      January 8, 2021 8:38 PM MST

  • 53687


      I concur completely!

      January 8, 2021 9:31 PM MST

  • 10052
    There is something so special about the music of our youth, isn't there? I feel that way about the 70s and 80s music. Such a variety in popular music, too. Everything from Simon & Garfunkel to Pink Floyd to Ozzy Osbourne to Bee Gees, to Run DMC and Whitney Houston. Something for everyone, I'd think! 

    Yeah, it's funny thinking back to what was controversial in pop culture 30 years ago compared to now. I think it's also evidence that in many ways we appear to be devolving. This post was edited by SavvyAnsley at January 9, 2021 5:32 PM MST
      January 9, 2021 7:17 AM MST

  • 19937
    I agree that in some ways, we are devolving.  There was a time when lyrics like some of what is called "music" today would have been banned.  There is only so far the First Amendment should go.  Songs calling for rape and murder and death should be outlawed.
      January 9, 2021 7:41 AM MST

  • 13277
    Simon and Garfunkle & Garfunkel
      January 9, 2021 8:06 AM MST

  • 10052
    I wondered about that. I was am high and didn't care enough to check. This post was edited by SavvyAnsley at January 9, 2021 9:12 AM MST
      January 9, 2021 8:09 AM MST

  • 17660
    Age has nothing to do with it.  But people get used to something and it becomes part of their "things I love."  Therefore, a new music genre may never find a place on their playlist.  But it's not age.  I like music from every decade of my life.  Rap is something I will never enjoy; I don't even consider it music.  It is a similar art form, but not music.  My opinion.
      January 9, 2021 3:50 AM MST

  • 53687


      Well said. 


      January 9, 2021 7:04 AM MST

  • 13277
    Well well.
      January 9, 2021 9:13 AM MST

  • 10052
    I agree with you and I am the same, except I do like a few rap songs from the 80s and 90s. Even a few modern ones that are entwined within a more melodious pop song. 

    My mom was the same way. I remember her absolutely loving some 80s and 90s songs. My dad, on the other hand, wouldn't even entertain anything that was released after about 1965. 

    Thanks, Thrifty!
      January 9, 2021 7:27 AM MST

  • 17660
    This made me laugh.  I know people who feel like there has been no music since the 60s.  :)
      January 10, 2021 7:49 PM MST

  • 23837

    I enjoyed everyone's answer so far and see their points.

    For me, even since very young, I've always seemed to have been open to all kinds of music and I continue to be.

    Sort of my motto:

    I can sometimes be frustrated thinking of all the music that exists out there that I love but simply haven't heard yet.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at January 9, 2021 5:25 PM MST
      January 9, 2021 5:55 AM MST