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Do you have or did you ever have a favorite 'thing' to argue and debate about?

Posted - January 16, 2021


  • 8276
    Tell my your view point and I will think it over. 
      January 19, 2021 5:18 PM MST

  • 10052
    I used to argue about politics but I realized how pointless it is. If it's someone I don't agree with politically, I avoid the subject when I speak to them. I usually try not to engage in discussions about it with people who share my views because I'm so sick of it all. 
      January 19, 2021 5:40 PM MST

  • 53686


      My overall outlook is that I’m not in the business of convincing a person to change his or her mind about issues that are deeply rooted, and at the same time, I know that no one is going to convince me to the point that I change my mind about issues that are deeply rooted. Also, and on many ways part of what I stated above, I don’t have a problem with people having their own perspectives on issues, even if and when they’re vastly different than my own. For those reasons, I agree with your stance; it’s pointless to argue with that particular goal in the forefront; changing of minds.

      January 19, 2021 6:50 PM MST