I recently heard that the 'thumbs up' emoji means "f*ck you" and I was shocked. It's my go-to quick response for almost every text I get!
Emojis are hard for me. What does mean? Does this
mean dead or you're an angel and innocent?
I don’t fully understand all of them either, nor do I think the limited offerings of them here on AnswerMug default ones sufficiently or accurately convey what I’d want them to in certain uses.
As for
, I never use it because I don’t know what it means or is supposed to mean.
To me, is an innocent angel. I’ve never associated it with death, so your mention of its possible connotation is the first I’ve heard of that.
I do, however, know this one QUITE well: (Grrrrrrr.) or (Doh!)
It’s a grimace.
(And stop saying “hard” so much. You know it’s nothing more than innuendo-bait to me. Grrrrrrrr.)
Go ahead and get dressed. I promise not to look.
Thumbs up isn’t really “Faak you” but it is dismissive and is like replying with “yep” or “k”. So it means “faak off, leave me alone”.
The other emoji you used I’ve never seen used anywhere. NO ONE uses the angel emoji, anywhere. So if you use it, it means you’re probably old af or at least that’s the way it will be perceived.
For “I’m dead” or “dead” you use the skull emoji, but “I’m dead” doesn’t actually mean “dead”. Dead means you found something extremely funny. You can’t use the crying with laughter emoji anymore for finding things humorous because that also means you’re old and out of it.
So, nothing to over-analyze at all ;)