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What’s the best news you have ever received from a dentist? ~

Posted - March 2, 2021


  • 6477
    Tis not very exciting for folks to hear I fear, but last October, I received the news, after waiting for 4 years or so, that they can finally implant my implant.  Had they not done so at that point, I would have given up. I'd had enough of the interminable waiting.
      March 2, 2021 1:55 PM MST

  • 53019


      Do you know why it was a four-year wait?

      March 2, 2021 2:15 PM MST

  • 6477
    Yes, I had originally had the tooth removed, in hospital, because of a massive infection that had been going on years and had not been detected.  Once the tooth was out, the site where the infection had been had lost a lot of bone and they wanted a) to make sure the infection had really gone and b) for the bone to grow back. So I'd keep going, have it scanned but it wasn't ready, so I had to wait.
      March 2, 2021 2:27 PM MST

  • 10132
    That my work was completely covered by insurance.
      March 2, 2021 1:56 PM MST

  • 53019

      That’s always good news (and rate rare for dental work)!

    This post was edited by Randy D at March 2, 2021 8:45 PM MST
      March 2, 2021 2:16 PM MST

  • 44365
    What is your insurance?
      March 2, 2021 2:22 PM MST

  • 10132
    Cigna, but it doesn't cover as much as it did when I got it through my employer.
      March 2, 2021 8:47 PM MST

  • 44365
    Delta Dental sux. Only 40% on crowns.
      March 3, 2021 9:29 AM MST

  • 44365
    Most of my teeth are still in quite good shape and I should not consider dentures. Many in my family wear them
      March 2, 2021 2:15 PM MST

  • 23158

    He said at my most recent checkup, "Well, I can see you're still going to be a boring patient."

    (His fun way of saying I was taking care of my mouth and teeth, and they're in good shape.)
      March 2, 2021 5:41 PM MST

  • 44365
    I had one say "My job is to put myself out of a job."
      March 3, 2021 9:28 AM MST

  • 23158
      March 3, 2021 5:50 PM MST

  • 13395
    "I can't do anything TO you today so you might as well go home" For some reason our family dentist did not like me and would torture me as much as he could. I had developed an abscess in my mouth that he looked at and made an appointment for the next day. Next morning the abscess had totally disappeared, mom said to keep the appointment anyway.. so Mr Dentist examined my mouth three times unable to believe how the abscess could just disappear. He seemed angry as if I was playing some kind of joke or something.
    Well, that was a mysterious spontaneous healing anyway that happened.
      March 2, 2021 9:47 PM MST
  • .

    I made an appointment with the dentist and the surgeon.  Not sure what the outcome will be. 
      March 3, 2021 10:01 AM MST

  • 53019


      Thank you!  Oh, by the way, what’s the best news you’ve ever received from a dentist?

      March 3, 2021 4:36 PM MST

  • 7543
    That he had an appointment open.  lol
      March 3, 2021 4:53 PM MST
  • AG

    When they tell me I have no cavities. 
      March 3, 2021 11:52 AM MST

  • 1817
    i don’t go To the dentist because they scare me 

    although maybe I will have better luck with Canada dentists since US dentists like to insurance gouge 
      March 3, 2021 11:59 AM MST

  • That my wisdom teeth came in straight and I didn't need them removed. I have a fear of surgery so I was really dreading that. 
      March 3, 2021 2:45 PM MST