Discussion » Questions » Emotions » Refreshing that 9 out of 10 posts isn't politics-related, right?

Refreshing that 9 out of 10 posts isn't politics-related, right?

It certainly helps to break up the monotony!


Posted - October 23, 2016


  • 10660
    I think you meant to say 'only 9 out of 10 posts'.
      October 23, 2016 4:40 PM MDT

  • 53332
    You're absolutely right, thank you.  I've just edited it.  Where would I be without you?

      October 23, 2016 8:40 PM MDT

  • 22891
    sounds like you dont like seeing a lot of politics
      October 23, 2016 6:45 PM MDT

  • 53332
    Not the quantity of it that shows up as posts on this website, nope.
      October 23, 2016 8:33 PM MDT