I saw this picture and on it, it said:
"Meals on Wheels in Wyoming"
I just hope the cyclist doesn’t suddenly and unexpectedly hit a patch of slick ice! That’s what happened to me when I was 15, but luckily, there was no sign of a hungry ursine waiting to dine. Look how he’s on a slight incline too, his only hope is that his speed and angle of egress and balance all hold out, and Yogi gets plumb tuckered out, or he becomes Jack the Afternoon Snack, Phil the Noon Meal, Andy Bear-Candy, Chuck “Steak” Blake, etc.
I posted it as an answer a couple of weeks ago to someone’s question on injuries or scars or bicycles or some such topic. I would reiterate it here except that it was a very extensive answer (big surprise; Randy D only submits short, succinct posts), complete with blow-by-blow details.