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Why did the WikiLeaks "attack" fizzle?

More than two weeks have passed since the stolen messages were released online, but Hillary Clinton's lead in the RealClearPolitics poll average - - has widened slightly. WikiLeaks tried to take down a candidate with embarrassing private emails and failed. At this point, it's only getting play on Breitbart and Drudge, which are so full of impotent rage that normal people don't read them.

Posted - October 23, 2016


  • 2758
    Oh, my!  So many misconceptions!  Let's start at the top. :-):

    1) The more recent Wikileaks data dumps have failed to sway the masses (as indicated by lackluster margins in polling) because they're more of the same information.  By now everyone should know that Hillary is hip deep in corruption and that blaming the Russians for the fact that such is widely understood is ridiculous.  People have seen most of the 'new' stuff in different form.  Then, too, the problem with slow, 'teaser' leaks is that people become desensitized to the noise.  If Assange had really wanted to obliterate Clinton, he should have dumped everything at once with the worst stuff coming out first.  If his intention had been to unseat Hillary, Julian Assange committed a MASSIVE strategic blunder.

    2) The same is true in regard to the recent 'exposes' of Trump's misogyny: it's the same old crap in a different wrapper.  ("And in other news. Trump was caught buggering a goat!")  Additionally, timing is an issue: had the more recent accusations been aired earlier, they'd have been a hell of a lot more credible.  As it is, I don't believe the testimony of ANY of Trump's recent, putative 'abuse victims,' and I can't stand the man.

    3) The Trump/Clinton Escapades are getting a hell of a lot more 'play' than on Drudge, Breitbart, WND, Huffpo, Mother Jones, the National Inquirer (the...ahem...paragon of journalistic integrity :-)), etc. The problem here is election fatigue.  People are sick of reading about it, hearing about it, and on and on.

    Bottom line: unless something MONSTROUS comes out about either candidate, all the people who've made a decision aren't going to change it.  So sit back, get comfy and watch the rest of the show as America commits suicide.

      October 24, 2016 12:14 AM MDT

  • 691
    Because most of the media gives 10x as much airtime to a random girl who accuses trump of kissing her than it does to more proof of hillary corruption.  I believe much of the problem is because people are simple and they like simple things like "trump is an pervert and a whiner".  The wikileaks are more complex and even though they prove much worse of hillary they are not well understood because they are more than some simple statement like "trump said p***y". What does it mean that hillary lied to FBI? That is complex. Trump said "p****sy" and that is simple.  Hillary has had a job paying under 200k per year and she has made 250 million in a few years and that is complex. Trump paid 0 taxes one year and that is simple to simple people who do not know of deductions.  Trump started out appealing to simple people with easy comments like build a wall and ban muslims and since then he has been victim of complexity.
      October 24, 2016 7:15 AM MDT

  • 2758
    It's always been thus, and the phenomenon of democratic dullardry (mob stupidity) isn't limited to the U.S. proletariat. It spans recorded history. After all, in any revolution the intellectuals are always rounded up first. There will be no cognitive contraband. :-)
      October 24, 2016 12:35 PM MDT