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Isn’t it racist to assume that a Black person cannot or should not belong to an organization merely based on skin color, even if that

organization is the Republican Party?

”Ya best keep yo’ place, boy, don’t step outta line, don’t get uppity.”


  For over a century in the US, Black people were constantly told the hundreds of things they could not do, among them was the ability or intelligence to make decisions. Society held Black people back from many parts of everyday life by creating narrow categories from which they could not stray.  Housing, education, political office, employment with or advancement within a job or profession or company, military service, sports, entertainment venues, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, swimming pools, public transportation, country clubs, dating, marriage, adoption, etc., all were lines that Black people couldn’t cross. The message was quite clear: if you’re Black, you’d better not show your face anywhere it’s been decided that you don’t belong. The Ku Klux Klan worked very hard to enforce those lines.

  So now in 2021, certain members of the “enlightened” and “tolerant” and “inclusive” liberal left call it an oxymoron that a Black person would have the audacity, gall, ignorance and stupidity to be in the Republican Party?

  The fact that a person identifies as a Democrat doesn’t automatically elevate him or her to some lofty height of holier-than-thou, better than others, sainthood, infallibility, etc. no more than another person self-identifying as a Republican automatically casts him or her to some depths of the opposite extremes. 

  I have never subscribed to the ”all Democrats bad, all Republicans good” nor the “all Republicans bad, all Democrats good” philosophies. Both parties are made up of people, and neither can claim across-the-board excellence as human beings. 

  Let’s not forget that even though some Republicans have negative marks, that doesn’t mean that all Democrats are 100% squeaky clean. A few examples:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt allowed the internment of Japanese-Americans, balked at civil rights to the point that his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt did more for Black people as First Lady, and he also cheated on her with another woman.

Frank W. Boykin (D-Alabama) in 1963 was convicted for conflict of interest and conspiracy to defraud the government. His prison sentence was suspended due to his age and health grounds and he was fined $40,000. He was pardoned by President Lyndon B. Johnson (D) in 1965.

John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy were early proponents of US interference in Vietnam under the guise of assisting the Saigon government, and both were serial philanderers, using their power, positions, and influence to do so while in office and using government resources too.

Ted Kennedy got away with his complicity in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne.

Washington DC mayor Marion Barry was a corrupt and drug-addicted politician who was convicted on felony charges and served prison time, yet his Democrat support base voted him back into office again after his release from custody.

Bill Clinton not only defiled the office of the presidency when he intentionally used a young starstruck Monica Lewinsky for his sexual pleasure there, he also intentionally lied about it, even under oath.

When it was convenient for his political career, Joe Biden described Black people as “super predators” and was a staunch workhorse in pushing through legislation that resulted in mass incarcerations that hit Black men quite stringently. He also deigned to define who is worthy of being in the Black race based on who voted for him and who did not.

Kamala Harris, without knowing any of the facts, gave an immediate and knee-jerk response to the claim that Jussie Smollett had been attacked by racists, yet two seconds later, she had no comment when her gaff was uncovered.

Andrew Cuomo stated that all women should be believed when they make allegations of sexual harassment, yet when those allegations were made against him, his tune changed drastically and he went under the table to undermine them and anyone who sided with them.

Nancy Pelosi issued a statement in which she thanked George Floyd for dying for the cause of justice.





Posted - April 21, 2021


  • 33840
      April 21, 2021 10:07 AM MDT

  • 44545
    To me it is obvious racism.
    By the way,

      April 21, 2021 10:58 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Okay, did you really not mention Bill Clinton and women? Lol!

    I understand that there are people of every color who are smart enough to look into the policies of different political parties and politicians and make informed decisions about what party or parties they wish to support. I also know that there are people who truly are not smart enough or won't put forth the effort to learn, and they align themselves with a party that doesn't represent their true interests or belief systems. 

    I do think it could be racist, yes. 
      April 21, 2021 7:57 PM MDT

  • 53394


      I think I’ll go back and edit it to include Clinton. Thank you.

      April 21, 2021 9:12 PM MDT

  • 10052
      April 22, 2021 6:47 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Regarding FDR, you left out his repeated failure to aid Jews in escaping Nazi persecution. In 1939, a German ocean liner, the MS St. Louis, carrying 900 Jewish refugees, was denied permission to land in Cuba, the United States, and Canada and forced to return to Europe, where many of the refugees were caught in Nazi roundups and killed in the death camps. FDR also was notorious for declining several opportunities to trade trucks and other goods to Germany in exchange for the freeing of Jewish prisoners.
      April 21, 2021 8:15 PM MDT

  • 53394


      Thank you, I was not aware of that information. I do, however, have a question for you:

    FDR also was notorious for declining several opportunities to trade trucks and other goods to Germany in exchange for the freeing of Jewish prisoners.”

    Depending on when this happened, especially if it was once WWII had already begun, wouldn’t a proposal to consider such a deal be an automatic win-win for Germany?  For instance, Germany was most likely in a position to sorely need the rolling stock and supplies, and was obviously using the Jewish prisoners as pawns. To acquiesce to Germany would also be aiding and abetting the enemy, even on the face of saving prisoners’ lives. By the US declining to go through with the swap, Germany could theoretically shrug its shoulders and claim that an attempt had been made to save lives, but the big bad US had refused. A win-win for Germany, a Catch-22 for the US.


      April 21, 2021 9:00 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Indeed a Catch-22, but some number (not sure how many) more Jews and others the Nazis deemed undesirable died as a direct result of this than otherwise might have been the case.
      April 21, 2021 9:11 PM MDT

  • 23417

    I think you summed it all up:

    "I have never subscribed to the 'all Democrats bad, all Republicans good' nor the 'all Republicans bad, all Democrats good' philosophies. Both parties are made up of people, and neither can claim across-the-board excellence as human beings. '

    I've not done that, either. But I observe many people  -- "both political sides" -- do it a lot.
    I live in an area in which all Republicans are great and, if you're not a Republican, you're wrong.
      April 22, 2021 7:06 AM MDT

  • 2706
     Excellent question and treatise. Yes, it is racist. Not only is it racist it's asinine and irresponsible to even entertain that idea.
      April 22, 2021 2:27 PM MDT