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Discussion » Questions » Communication » I recently asked two questions here about the first and last person you slept with.

I recently asked two questions here about the first and last person you slept with.

Did you immediately think of 'having sex with'?

Posted - April 23, 2021


  • 19938
    I live alone, so the only person(s) I would have slept with were men with whom I had a physical relationship.
      April 23, 2021 9:57 AM MDT

  • 1893
    Element yes I did think it was sex you were referring to in general.  The 1st person is a distant memory when I was 15.  The last person, the Doc and yes it was sleep we have three (3) kids in the house.
      April 23, 2021 10:10 AM MDT

  • I did, yes, and I'm an asexual virgin. Shows you how much that phrase is ingrained in our society.

    I did very soon after that think of sleeping in the same room as someone, though. 
      April 23, 2021 10:29 AM MDT

  • 44540
    My sister and I did when we were very young.
      April 23, 2021 1:36 PM MDT

  • 53367


      My immediate thought was merely of lying next to each other while sleeping. I hardly ever think of sex. 

    Signed, Brother Randolph the Pure

      April 23, 2021 10:51 AM MDT

  • 17562
      April 23, 2021 1:03 PM MDT

  • 23407


    (God, I'm so boring)
      April 23, 2021 6:40 PM MDT

  • 16618
    That was my first thought, then I rethought it (which is why I didn't answer the "first person" question, I couldn't better Welby's answer). Last person answer stands, I share a bed with her - and most nights all we do in it is sleep.
      April 23, 2021 10:16 PM MDT