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Why do some women wear so much makeup?

Posted - June 1, 2021


  • 53696


      My answer to the original question (ok, my rant) does not state that all women receive the messages from Big Toilet in the same way, nor that all women are duped by it. The rant is more about the industry and its advertising hypnosis that is disguised as providing a necessary service when in fact it’s subliminal in its methods of forcing overly expensive gunk to the female masses. If you read it carefully, I’m stating the industry’s perspective, not the recipients’.  There is no way for me to address the habits of each individual woman and ascertain who uses or does not use which products, I didn’t cover that at all.
      I’m well aware that many women don’t wear makeup at all, and that many only wear it on certain occasions, and like you wrote, many will forgo it if doing something that they think doesn’t require makeup. The fact that you personally know women in those categories equals my personal knowledge of some women like that also. However, there are also women who will not show their faces to any other human being before applying makeup to it, many women who won’t step foot in public without putting it on. You may or may not know any of them, but they exist. As I stated, some women who use makeup would not take up the challenge of going without for extended periods of time, there are even some who would not even go without it for short periods of time.

      All Big Toilet has had to do is convince a significant portion of the target demographic that they are deficient or defective in some way, and the answer to those discrepancies can be found by the benevolent and caring industry that believes in helping them. Big Toilet doesn’t even need to get 100% of people to drink the kool-aid, as can be seen by its multi-billion dollar yearly profit margins. Compare Big Tobacco and Big Toilet; look at how each one goes after younger and younger kids all the time. Get ‘em as young as possible to create lifelong profit-generators. Those aren’t the only two industries that do that either. Anecdotal evidence of an industry’s failure to reach each and every person doesn’t diminish the fact that a wide net is thrown out to catch as many fish as possible. Just like any other advertising or propaganda, not every person will fall for it. I never stated that they would or do fall for it.

      June 2, 2021 8:49 AM MDT

  • 11591
    This is what I was responding to.

    Ask any of them to give up using all makeup for one year and see what they say about feeling naked without it or not wanting to show their faces without it.

    And this:
      Over 100 years of cosmetic industry influence has duped women into truly believing two basic falsehoods:

    If you meant some women, you should have said that. I still interpret your comments as somewhat derogatory towards the majority of women. Hyped up advertising is pretty much universal and how much we respond to it is individual.

      June 2, 2021 10:45 AM MDT

  • 53696

     Ok, I’ve edited it to reflect exactly what you suggest, you are correct in that I should have included the word “some”, but if you look at the correction I’ve made, I double down on the onus being on the industry, not on the targets.

      Hyped up advertising being universal is another point on which you and I agree, as I stated at the ending of my last post. The reason my emphasis in the original answer is on the cosmetics industry is that is the precise topic at hand. I did not intend and derogatory aim at women, my furor is about the industry. I reiterated that more than once. Raking in billions every year for decades means that someone is buying their products, and my position is that much of what’s pushed by them and much of what makes them rich is absolutely unnecessary. Like much of all other advertising, they create a need psychologically for something, a you-have-to-keep-up-with-the-Joneses game.

      With respect toward your opposing viewpoint, I appreciate you letting your opinion be known. Had you not raised it, I would not have known it was demeaning. I will not, however, retract any part of my take on the industry itself and its subterfuge, but in consideration for giving you the impression that I find fault with the women, I will do what I can to clarify that that is not what I mean. I apologize for presenting it in an offensive manner. Thank you.

      June 2, 2021 11:38 AM MDT

  • 7810
    No idea, but it's a turn-off for me. On dudes too. LOL!!!
      June 1, 2021 8:25 PM MDT

  • 510
    how much is too much?
      June 6, 2021 5:15 AM MDT

  • 17081
    Resting B**ch Face?
      June 6, 2021 5:23 AM MDT