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Do you have a song you've always liked, and, after seeing the music video, you liked the song even better?

Two songs come to mind for me :

"How To Save a Life"              The Fray

"Shout"                       Tears for Fears

Posted - June 11, 2021


  • 10052
    I don't like "Shout" at all. I'm not worried. LOL!

    I really like the first song and video. 

    For me, I remember liking the song and then after seeing the video it became one of my very favorites of theirs, if not my only favorite! 

      June 11, 2021 9:34 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Thanks for answering, SavvyAnsley. Too much time has gone by, I know - - had to at least thank you for answering. I hope to come back soon when I can listen and better respond.
      June 17, 2021 7:38 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Oh, and no worries about Shout, ha.  :)

    I was able to watch the beginning of this video about a week ago. I like it.
      June 18, 2021 6:30 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I prefer the Sammy Haggar years, and this song and video are very much a perfect moment in music to me. :)
      June 18, 2021 3:57 PM MDT

  • 23842
    I've not kept up with the group. I'll be back  to watch. And I already spent too much time here - - got to go again. Sorry!

      June 18, 2021 6:21 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Finally, I got to this.


     that is excellent for me. :)

    "Opportunity is passing me by right now"? That guy is hot.  :)

    I'd like to maybe wrestle that guy for food.

    I think I like Hagar better than Roth.

    (I don't understand - - I looked up Sammy Hagar and there are numerous articles saying he died in 2010. Yet, there are then numerous articles talking about him doing all sorts of stuff after that date. And seemingly he is still alive. )

    Yes, great video for me, too!

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at June 23, 2021 5:25 PM MDT
      June 21, 2021 5:38 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Some hoax. He's still alive. 

    Glad you enjoyed it. I really love the humor in it, and the social commentary. It's just one of my all time faves. 
      June 21, 2021 5:52 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Thanks for your help! I'm glad to hear he's alive.

    Besides the moments I mentioned (and many others), I really liked that ending to the video, too. Right now we must be "going." Ha!
      June 21, 2021 5:58 PM MDT

  • 313
    RockStar by DaBaby 
    bc BLM
      June 11, 2021 11:25 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Thanks for answering, Kidddas53. Too much time has gone by, I know - - had to at least thank you for answering. I hope to come back soon when I can listen and better respond.
      June 17, 2021 7:39 PM MDT

  • 23842
    I got to the 0:40 seconds mark and, at the moment, I simply choose not to further watch. Powerful. I can understand how you would like the video, based on what I saw. 
    But I didn't watch any of the "real life" actual recording, either. Still images were way more than enough for me.
      June 23, 2021 5:30 PM MDT

  • 757
    Two comes to mind. 
    409 by The Beach Boys, with Junior Brown.

    And "Hipshakin'" by Fanny Mae and the Dynamite Believers.


      June 12, 2021 12:36 AM MDT

  • 23842
    Thanks for answering, Wolfhound. Too much time has gone by, I know - - had to at least thank you for answering. I hope to come back soon when I can listen and better respond.
      June 17, 2021 7:40 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Finally, trying to catch up.

    Just listened to "409"! LOVED it! 
    But the video - -and song -- is this song from The Beach Boys' "1960's" years? The Boys here are obviously filmed more recently. The short interviews at the beginning of the video, too, seem to be them remembering past times.
    In the video are they lip-syncing to what I assume is one of their songs from the 60's? Or is this a recent song by all of them? They all certainly sound great!
    The song seems to be one I remember, maybe.

    I'd like to see whoever is playing the piano, too, though.
      June 23, 2021 5:38 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Just listened to Fanny Mae and The Dynamite Believers -- I really liked this one, too!! I don't think I've heard their music before. They "had me" before the music even started! Very funny beginning to me for the video. I really like when bands/artists don't take themselves overly seriously. The video is fun to me, with a sense of humor! And I like the music itself, too. 
    I like how the string bass played mouths the words sometimes with the female singer. (But, probably anything that string bass player did would be okay with me, ha.)
      June 23, 2021 5:47 PM MDT

  • 17081

    Fine Young Cannibals should have been sued to smithereens for She Drives Me Crazy, the vid was a rip off of this.
      June 17, 2021 8:42 PM MDT

  • 10052
    I'd forgotten about this song and I've been listening to a lot of New Order lately! I don't remember seeing the video in the 80s, but you're right. A lot of similarity. 
      June 18, 2021 4:06 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Like I shared with Slartibartfast - - I had looked this up a while ago and the same guy choreographed both music videos, Philippe Decoufle.
    I like both songs, music videos and groups.  :)
      June 18, 2021 6:07 PM MDT

  • 17081
    I've hated FYC ever since that bloody awful cover of Suspicious Minds.
      June 21, 2021 6:00 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Yes, I remember your saying that before on the site, I believe. And I had looked the song/s up.
      June 23, 2021 5:50 PM MDT

  • 23842
    Hi Slartibartfast! I've looked this up a while ago and I had thought I had shared with you but maybe I only thought I had - - but the same guy choreographed both music videos -- Philippe Decoufle.  That's why I assume the music videos look similar. Maybe he should be sued for using the same ideas for two different groups, ha! Just kidding. I like both videos.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at June 18, 2021 10:23 PM MDT
      June 18, 2021 6:05 PM MDT

  • 17081
    Didn't stop George Harrison being sued for My Sweet Lord, despite Phil Spector producing that and the Chiffons' He's So Fine. Hell, Spector CREATED the Chiffons (and a lot of other girl groups), if anybody should have noted the similarity it was him.
    I still think that Harrison genuinely believed it to be his own work. The Beatles were recording Revolver in the same studio when the Chiffons did theirs, the tune probably stuck in his subconscious and was regurgitated later.
      June 18, 2021 8:26 PM MDT

  • 23842
    That's really interesting! Thanks! I didn't know any of this but it certainly relates to my comment to you. Harrison is my favorite Beatle. :)

    Without looking them up, I only know both songs by title and vague aural memories.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at June 21, 2021 5:56 PM MDT
      June 21, 2021 5:25 PM MDT

  • 10052
    My favorite Beatle, too! :)
      June 21, 2021 5:53 PM MDT