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Men, what are some of the factors you considered when deciding whether or not you’d sport or not sport any facial hair?




 For me, far too much gray hair and/or white hair shows these days when I let my beard grow out, so I’m strictly a mustache-only guy. Also, I think I look terrible completely clean-shaven, so my mustache is a must.


Posted - June 16, 2021


  • 44765
    I am on-again-off again. Lately, since I am retired, I don't shave very much, so folks aren't sure whether I am growing a beard or not. I'm not chasing women, so my appearance isn't very important to me. So I guess the main factors are I don't care and I'm too lazy.
      June 16, 2021 8:18 AM MDT

  • 10798
    I only have one factor - I absolutely HATE the feel of hair on my face!!!  
      June 16, 2021 2:05 PM MDT

  • 53696


      (((Just to clarify: does that include my facial hair? If so, I’m going to have to ask both you and your cats to move out! And by the way, it’s over between us. Return my 8-track tapes to me. Grrrrrrr.))))


      June 16, 2021 6:15 PM MDT

  • 581
    I shattered my jaw when I was 16.  They put a metal plate in my chin.  When shaving one day I nixed the scar under my chin.   I  ended up in the emergency room to get it to stop bleeding.  I grow a bushy goatee over that scar so I wouldn't have to do that again.
      June 16, 2021 3:35 PM MDT

  • 17081
    I blew my hand up and couldn't manage a razor for a few months. My wife decided she liked the beard, after I hadn't worn one in a decade. She's the one who has to wake up next to this face, so I groom it to suit her.
      June 17, 2021 4:05 AM MDT

  • My facial hair just doesn't grow in an appealing pattern. I've never had much facial hair and what I do have grows mostly on my chin so it just doesn't look good. I prefer to keep clean-shaven. 
      June 17, 2021 11:00 AM MDT

  • 53696


      I have a similar problem of an unappealing pattern. When I went for the full beard option after I left military service, I discovered the hard way that I not only have uneven and non-symmetrical growth on one side of my face where the mustache is supposed to connect to the beard, what does grow there is scraggly and unsightly. I never knew about it previously because I didn’t even have very much growing there at all when I entered military service at age 18, and beards/goatees/sideburns are not allowed per the grooming standards. I was well into my 30s when I first tried to grow a beard.

      June 17, 2021 11:28 AM MDT