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What is something that you inherited from your parents?

I inherited from my mother the genes that account for my above-average height, while I inherited hypertension from my father

Posted - June 17, 2021


  • 19937
    I inherited my intellect from my mother and my lack of patience from my father.
      June 17, 2021 8:25 AM MDT

  • 44765
    Mom's facial features and high intelligence from both.
      June 17, 2021 10:05 AM MDT

  • 11418
    Maybe drinking problems it took me 37 years to get my drinking in control. Cheers!
      June 17, 2021 10:17 AM MDT

  • I inherited my intense curiosity about the world and lack of body hair from my dad. :P I inherited my artistic sensibilities and soft facial features from my mom. :)
      June 17, 2021 10:53 AM MDT

  • 53691


      My mother is extremely intelligent, loves learning, is very studious, loves to read, loves certain aspects of history, is a prolific writer, is comfortable with public speaking. Those are some of the major traits of hers that also describe me. I also share some of her facial features. Now that I’m answering this, it also occurs to me that I get my wanderlust gene from her father, my maternal grandfather, and I have some of his physical features, such a physique, stature, posture, and receding hairline. I know nothing of my biological father.

      June 17, 2021 11:35 AM MDT

  • 581
    I inherited the Negative Blood line from my Fathers Irish family.
      June 17, 2021 2:05 PM MDT

  • 17078
    A congenital degenerative condition of the spine. My L5/S1 disc was always going to rupture, the question was not if but when.
      June 17, 2021 9:33 PM MDT

  • 234
    My body hair, and lots of it, from my biological father.
      June 20, 2021 5:54 PM MDT