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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » While JOE is accomplishing many things the one trick pony one note charlie one whine GUANO sez I WUZ ROBBED. Some repertoire ain't it?

While JOE is accomplishing many things the one trick pony one note charlie one whine GUANO sez I WUZ ROBBED. Some repertoire ain't it?

9 months of whining. He could have produced a baby by now! GIVEN BIRTH

But no. One trick pony knows only one thing...I WUZ ROBBED

Imagine all the great things a one trick pony can accomplish? Me too.

Posted - August 11, 2021


  • 10984
    Yeah  if he did produce a baby it would be a butt baby and hopefully  it would have a really really really  big head. Cheers!
      August 11, 2021 9:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Imagine delivering a behemoth like that? YIKES! Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
      August 11, 2021 9:10 AM MDT

  • 10984
    Do you think if Trump did produce  a butt baby he would nickname it Pootin. Cheers!
      August 11, 2021 5:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Maybe POOPIN? Or POOPIN POOTIN? Gosh there are so many possibilities aren't there Nanoose? So many of them tawdry garish cheap. Just like him! Ah the mind produces a wondrous panoply of possibilities! Maybe we should run a contest to name his spawn? The first prez in history to personally birth a baby! WHOA!
      August 12, 2021 1:56 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Someone came up with "Snata Claws." That's something.
      August 11, 2021 9:03 AM MDT

  • 2706
    What many things is Joe accomplishing? Let's take a look. Joe Biden ran his presidential campaign on multiple ideas; defeating the pandemic, build back better, and helping the middle class. Let's take a look at how he's doing so far. Shortly after being inaugurated, he signed 17 executive orders that essentially rolled back the ones that Trump signed as President. The first one was to rejoin the W.H.O. (World Health Organization). This is the same exact organization that covered up for China when the coronavirus pandemic first broke out. The same organization that has always heavily relied on American funding. Accomplishment or failure.

      The next executive order put the United States of America right back into the Paris Climate Agreement. If you listened to the reasons why President Trump pulled us out of it, you’d know that the organization is heavily funded by America, which basically allows us to pay for other countries to lower their emissions. However, the 2 largest polluters in the entire world, China and India, get a waiver through 2030 where they don't need to participate in controlling or limiting their emissions/pollution. Who in the world would sign that and/or want to be a part of that? Oh wait, Joe Biden would. Accomplishment or failure?

      Another EO signed by Joe was to get rid of the travel ban from Muslim countries that have known ties to terrorism. The next EO will bring a stop to building the wall between Mexico and the US, and will also put a stop to deportations for any illegal entering the country. Biden also put the kibosh on the Keystone XL Pipeline, which instantly killed tens of thousands of jobs. Accomplishments or failures?

      Biden also promised now to end all Fracking, which is a complete reversal of what he ran on. Their union actually supported Biden during his campaign, yet he just turned on them. So is lying to the public a positive accomplishment? With the Coronavirus, Biden told his followers multiple times that “trump has no plan. But I do”. Even Kamala Harris jumped on that bandwagon, yet on his third day as President, Biden says to the entire country through national TV “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.” And of course they, including Dr. Flip-Flop Fauci and the new press secretary, are blaming the Trump administration for “leaving the cupboard bare”.Accomplishment or failure?

      During the 100-day national mask, mandate Joe Biden and his press secretary were busted not wearing one while being on Federal Property (which is one of the places that the EO requires you to wear one). When the press secretary was asked why Joe Biden wasn't wearing one, she responded “He was celebrating. What was he celebrating? That he could get away with not wearing a mask because he was President? Accomplishment or failure?

    If these and the many other so-called accomplishments are the ones you are referring to then this country and its citizens would be much better off without them. Accomplishments to you perhaps but failures to me and to the millions of people whose lives Joe put in jeopardy. Puppet Joe Biden and his string-holding administration are a menace to this Constitutional Republic and its Constitution. Of course, this is only my opinion.

      August 11, 2021 7:38 PM MDT

  • 10984
    Yep he certainly  is a big whiny baby. I was thinking that they should put a siren on the Baby Trump Blimp that sounds like - waaaaaaaaaa - waaaaaaaaaa - waaaaaaaaaa. Cheers!
      August 11, 2021 8:35 PM MDT

  • 757

      August 11, 2021 11:40 PM MDT

  • 757
    APR 28, 2021

    Joe Biden's first 100 days have been marked by failure after failure.
    Here is just a SHORT list of his many broken promises, disastrous policies, and dangerous proposals:

    Biden’s Open Borders Agenda Created A Border Crisis

    1. Biden’s open borders agenda has created a border crisis.

    Migrants cite Biden’s policies for why they are coming to the border. Some are even wearing Biden t-shirts.
    2. Biden tried to suspend deportations, weakening immigration enforcement.

    3. He has obstructed border wall construction, including through his budget request, which would eliminate all funding for the border wall. Experts say border walls work, and Biden’s construction obstruction is literally throwing the border wide open.

    Biden’s orders even stopped gates from receiving replacement motors so they could close.
    4. Border state Democrats warned Biden’s White House about a border crisis fueled by his polices but the administration ignored their warnings.

    Biden’s Border Crisis Boomed

    5. Now, experts estimate 1,000 illegal immigrants are escaping into the U.S. each day during Biden’s border crisis.

    6. There were 172,331 border apprehensions in March, 5 times the number in March last year.

    7. Nearly 19,000 unaccompanied children were taken into custody in March, the highest monthly total ever recorded.

    8. Customs and Border Protection forecasts 184,000 migrant children will cross the border by the end of FY 2021, which would be the highest number ever.

    9. There has been a 233% increase in fentanyl seizures at the southern border from this time last year.

    10. Thanks to Biden’s border wall obstruction, smugglers are exploiting gaps in the wall that were previously set to be built.

    11. Officials warn of a “boom time for gangs,” traffickers, and smugglers as they take advantage of Biden’s border crisis.

    Biden’s Crisis Of Leadership On The Border

    12. In response, Biden has repeatedly tried to gaslight the American people about the seriousness of the crisis.

    Biden refused to recognize a crisis exists.
    DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas insisted that he doesn’t think a crisis exists.
    Press Secretary Jen Psaki also falsely claimed there is no crisis.
    13. When Biden finally admitted there is a “crisis that ended up on the border,” the White House then insisted that is not their official position in a completely insane walk-back, and that “children coming to our border... is not a crisis.”

    14. Biden still does not have any plans to visit the border.

    15. Kamala Harris laughed when she was asked if she would visit the border, and still has not visited the border even after being named Biden’s crisis manager.

    Border Officials Struggle To Cope With Biden’s Disastrous Agenda

    16. The Biden administration is releasing some illegal immigrants caught crossing the border without a court notice, and sometimes without any paperwork at all.

    17. Border facilities are “stretched beyond thin” because of the crisis.

    18. The Donna, Texas facility, one of the few facilities exempted from Biden’s media blackout, is at more than 16 times its capacity. Even Dr. Fauci admitted that packed crowds of migrant children is a “major concern.”

    19. To deal with the surge, the Pentagon was forced to approve multiple military bases to house unaccompanied migrant children.

    Biden Is Doubling Down On His Border Failures

    20. Biden is restricting media access at the border to hide the true extent of the crisis and dodge accountability. When asked why his administration is denying press access, Biden conceded he is purposefully waiting to provide transparency at border facilities.

    21. Instead of reversing course, Biden has doubled down on his failing open borders policies.

    22. Biden has even removed civil penalties for illegal immigrants for a “failure-to-depart.”

    Biden’s Anti-Energy Agenda Is Destroying Jobs

    23. Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, which could destroy anywhere between 400,000 and 2.7 million jobs.

    24. On day one, Biden abandoned Keystone XL pipeline workers, forcing thousands into unemployment with the stroke of a pen. American workers and families effected by his job-killing decision are still struggling to get by.

    25. We are still waiting for Biden to announce a plan for these workers. Psaki said she had “nothing more” when asked about how Biden plans to replace oil and gas jobs killed by his energy policies.

    26. When asked about the workers forced out of work by Biden’s policies, administration officials have dismissed concerns, saying they need “different [jobs],” “different education,” and that there are “jobs that might be sacrificed.”

    27. While Biden implements policies to kill American jobs, he is kowtowing to China and Russia so they cooperate with his environmental agenda.

    28. Biden is blocking new oil and gas drilling on federal lands, which if kept in place threatens millions of jobs.

    29. Biden nominated an Interior Secretary that believes oil and gas extraction on public lands should be permanently banned.

    Biden Is Proposing Massive Job-Destroying Tax Hikes

    30. Biden is proposing a job-destroying $2 trillion tax hike to fund a Green New Deal-style “infrastructure” package, which studies say would threaten 159,000 American jobs and lower workers’ wages.

    The Penn Wharton Budget Model analysis of the plan found that it would shrink the economy and lower wages.
    A Rice University study similarly found that tax hikes Biden has endorsed – such as the corporate tax rate hike in Biden’s bill – would kill one million jobs in two years.
    31. Biden’s proposed tax hike would raise the combined tax rate on U.S. businesses to the highest of any country in the G7 or OECD.

    32. Biden’s first tax proposals are already breaking his campaign pledge, “If you make less than $400,000, you won’t see one single penny in additional federal tax.”

    33. According to reports, Biden is planning to propose even greater tax hikes, raising taxes on capital gains to over 43%.

    34. According to administration officials, he is showing an increased openness to a carbon tax.

    Biden’s Proposal Is Not An Infrastructure Package

    35. Only 7% of the spending of Biden’s proposed “infrastructure” package is for roads, bridges, highways, airports, waterways, and ports.

    It is a Green New Deal-style environmental agenda under the guise of “infrastructure.”
    Democrats are trying their best to redefine “infrastructure” as almost everything under the sun, because they know their proposals are not about infrastructure.
    36. His administration has lied about the job creation that’s possible under his infrastructure plan. Even CNN and The Washington Post called Biden out on misleading the American people on job predictions.

    37. In terms of Biden’s broader Green New Deal agenda, The Washington Post and Associated Press have noted that many of Biden’s proposals will destroy more jobs than they create, and create jobs that pay less than the jobs they destroy.

    Biden Brings Back The Climate Hypocrites

    38. Biden has brought the left-wing swamp to run his climate policy, including private plane hypocrite John Kerry.

    39. The Biden administration is promoting a business that Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is actively invested in to the tune of millions of dollars. Granholm is set to profit off of the hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money Biden wants to spend as part of his infrastructure package.

    At a climate summit last week, Biden touted that Granholm was in charge of his administration’s technology investment even as she continues to own this stock.

    On Schools, Biden Has Put Special Interests First

    40. Biden repeatedly campaigned with American Federation of Teachers boss Randi Weingarten, who is leading the anti-science charge to keep America’s schools closed. Now that Biden is president, he has refused to call out the group.

    41. Biden has caved to Democrat special interest groups at the expense of millions of children and families across America, even though the science shows that keeping schools closed has devastating effects on the mental health, social and economic situation, and academic achievement of children.

    42. His stimulus bill put special interests before schools. The $1.9 trillion wish list only spends $6 billion, 0.3% of the bill, on K-12 schools this fiscal year with NO REQUIREMENT that they reopen.

    43. He has slow-rolled a return to normalcy for Americans while doing almost nothing to stop the spread of COVID on the border.

    44. Biden has conceded he has no plan to open high schools.

    Biden Is Refusing To Speak Out Against The Growing Anti-Police Rhetoric In The Democrat Party.

    45. The Biden administration has refused to condemn anti-police comments from Democrat members of Congress.

    46. Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to condemn Maxine Waters’ inflammatory comments around the Chauvin trial that “we’ve got to get more confrontational.”

    47. When Nancy Pelosi repeatedly defended Waters’ call for confrontation, Biden kept silent.

    48. When every House Democrat voted to endorse Waters’ call for protestors “to get more confrontational,” Biden refused to speak out.

    Biden’s Flip On Court Packing

    49. Even though Biden criticized court packing for decades (check out these comments from 1983, 2005, and 2019), he has refused to speak out against House and Senate Democrats abandoning decades of bipartisan agreement by proposing court packing legislation.

    50. He is even going a step further and actually establishing a court-packing commission.

    Biden Says Goodbye To Bipartisanship & Hello To Extremism

    51. Despite his campaign promises Biden is rejecting bipartisanship in favor of a hyper-partisan process to pass trillions in spending without Republican support.

    52. Even the left-wing New York Times editorial board and members of his own party are calling out Biden for refusing to reach across the aisle.

    53. He has resorted to governing through executive order, issuing far-left decrees at breathtaking speed.

    54. In 2005, then-Senators Barack Obama and Biden both argued against getting rid of the filibuster. Now, Biden is showing an openness to eliminating it.

    55. Biden declared that “no amendment to the Constitution is absolute” when discussing the 2nd amendment.

    56. Biden is filling his administration with far-left activists, including important positions at the Justice Department, HHS, and ATF.

    57. Despite promising unity and compromise on the campaign trail, the only unity Biden has shown is with Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. He has spoken to Xi and Putin more times than Republican leaders Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy.

    Biden’s Georgia Boycott

    58. Biden has led a misinformation campaign about Georgia’s election integrity law. Biden got 4-pinnochios from The Washington Post for lying about the Georgia election law.

    59. Despite being called out on his lies, Biden’s administration DOUBLED DOWN on and refused to disavow the incorrect claim.

    60. Aided and abetted by misinformation peddlers like Stacey Abrams, Biden encouraged a boycott of Georgia.

    Biden on March 31 when asked if Major League Baseball should move the All-Star Game out of Georgia: “I would strongly support them doing that.”
    61. Thanks to Biden’s lies about a law that actually expands voting opportunities, Georgia’s Cobb County is set to lose more than $100 million in tourism revenue.

    62. What’s worse, Biden supported the boycott KNOWING it would hurt Georgia’s businesses and workers the most.

    Biden on April 6: “The other side to it too is when they in fact move out of Georgia, the people who need the help the most, people who are making hourly wages, sometimes get hurt the most.”
    Biden Advisor Cecilia Rouse even said that hurting workers and businesses “was the point.”
    63. After Democrat Raphael Warnock admitted to spreading misinformation about the Georgia law, Biden is rallying with the senator in Atlanta tomorrow. Biden should apologize to Georgians instead.

    Biden Backs The Democrats’ H.R. 1 Power Grab

    64. Biden is backing the Democrats’ H.R. 1 power grab that, among other things, eviscerates commonsense voter ID provisions that 75% of American support.

    65. By supporting H.R. 1, Biden is supporting a bill that would force states to allow paid party operatives to harvest ballots.

    66. H.R. 1 would also threaten freedom of speech by turning the FEC into a partisan organization.

    Biden Embraces Far-Left Spending Proposals & A Minimum Wage

    67. Biden has dedicated trillions in wasteful spending for progressive pet projects.

    68. He passed hundreds of billions of dollars for a blue state bailout. New York is now set to spend $2 billion for taxpayer-funded checks for illegal immigrants.

    69. Biden is backing a $15 federal minimum wage mandate, which the CBO says could eliminate up to 3.7 million jobs.

    70. He is pushing defense cuts in his budget.

    Biden Is Caving To America’s Enemies

    71. Biden has refused to criticize Xi Jinping, even saying he didn’t “mean it as a criticism” when he called Xi undemocratic.

    72. When discussing China’s human rights abuses, Biden downplayed those concerns, saying “culturally there are different norms.”

    That disgusting dismissal came after Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken admitted the Chinese are committing genocide against the Uighurs.
    73. Biden is failing to confront China, with Psaki even saying Biden is “not in a rush” to counter China.

    74. And in yet another broken campaign promise, Biden has not confronted China over COVID-19's origins

    75. In a patten of appeasing America’s enemies, Biden is caving to Iran.

    Biden is working overtime to lift sanctions on Iran, which is a terrorist-funding regime.

    Biden Is Now A Pro-Abortion Extremist

    76. Biden rescinded the Mexico City policy, forcing American taxpayers to fund abortions overseas.

    77. Biden’s HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra has a history of attacking religious freedom, and during his hearing, he refused to rule out using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions and defended his past votes supporting the horrific practice of partial birth abortion.

    Obamacare & Biden’s Government Takeover Of Health Care

    78. Biden has repeated Barack Obama’s “lie of the year” on health care, and now as president he is bringing those lies back to Washington by working to reinstitute Obama’s terrible health care polices.

    79. Biden has pushed to expand the worst policies of Obamacare in his first 100 days. He even wants to bring back the individual mandate, a tax that primarily hits poor Americans.

    80. In his time as president, he has worked to expand Obamacare as he proposes a further government takeover of healthcare. A Navigant study found that Biden’s health plan could threaten more than 1,000 rural hospitals across 46 states.

    81. As Biden’s border crisis booms, he refuses to walk back his pledge that his government-run health plan will be open to illegal immigrants.

    On Operation Warp Speed, He’s The Lying, Plagiarist In Chief

    82. Biden keeps lying about vaccines, and his administration still pushes the debunked claim that there was no vaccine plan when he came into office.

    82. Thanks to the previous administration’s development and distribution plan under Operation Warp Speed, which Biden has falsely tried to claim credit for, millions of Americans have been vaccinated.

    Operation Warp Speed began mass-producing and procuring hundreds of millions of vaccine doses in advance, engaged the military in distribution, and prioritized the communities most at risk. That’s why we have the vaccination program we do today.
    84. In September President Trump pledged: “Millions of doses will be available every month, and we expect to have enough vaccines for every American by April.” It tuns out, he was right, and we have Operation Warp Speed to thank.

    85. Biden has failed to apologize for his statements spreading doubt about the vaccine which he made on the campaign trail last year.

    On July 28, Biden questioned whether a vaccine would be “real” and whether there would be a “consensus” that “this is a safe vaccine.”
    On September 5, Kamala Harris cast doubt on the safety of the vaccines being developed, refusing to say she would take a vaccine that was approved before election day.
    Biden’s COVID $1.9 Trillion Bill Was A Far-Left Boondoggle

    86. Biden’s $1.9 trillion boondoggle was not a “relief” bill.

    Only 9% will be spent on directly fighting the coronavirus.
    Only 1 % will be spent on vaccines.
    Only 0.3% will be spent this fiscal year on K-12 schools.
    Even Democrat Rep. Adriano Espaillat, the 8th most liberal member of the House and a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, conceded that he’s “not comfortable” with the pet project spending, and called it “embarrassing.”
    87. Through Biden’s boondoggle, Democrats insisted on sending nearly $2 billion dollars in stimulus checks to prisoners, including violent felons like the Boston Marathon Bomber. Democrats blocked an amendment to restrict the stimulus payments when ramming through their partisan legislation.

    88. In fact, hundreds of billions of the Democrats’ “relief” will not be spent for up to a decade from now.

    Republican Coronavirus Policies Worked, Now Biden Wants To Rewrite History

    89. Biden is trying to rewrite history on the coronavirus. After criticizing the Paycheck Protection Program and repeatedly visiting businesses that received PPP loans under President Trump, Biden baselessly claimed credit for their success.

    90. After gaslighting the American people during the campaign, he proceeded to plagiarize the Republican’s coronavirus response at every turn, all while lying about the Trump administration’s robust COVID response.

    91. Although he campaigned on a secret plan to “shut down the virus,” he now admits that he had no secret plan.

    Biden Gives The Worst Governors In The Nation A Pass

    92. Biden has failed to take responsibility for being one of Andrew Cuomo’s biggest cheerleaders. Biden even declared: “Your governor in New York's done one hell of a job. I think he's the gold standard.” What was Biden declaring the “gold standard?” Anti-science nursing home orders that led to thousands of deaths, rewriting reports to hide the higher death toll, and a cover-up in the face of a federal investigation so the data would not be “used against” the Cuomo administration.

    93. During the campaign, Biden repeatedly applauded Whitmer’s terrible approach to the coronavirus, and now as we keep learning more about how awful her response truly was, he has refused to backtrack his endorsement of Whitmer. The policies Biden endorsed? Renewing devastating nursing home orders three times, refusing to release the data on nursing home deaths, and buying the silence of her former health director with a $150,000 taxpayer-funded confidentiality agreement.

    94. Biden won’t insist hypocritical governors like Gavin Newsom open their economies. America can only recover economically if we allow our businesses to open, but instead of standing up to governors whose lockdowns are hurting Americans, Biden continues to take a backseat.

    An Opaque Administration Where One Has To Wonder Who Is Setting Policy

    95. The Biden administration is one of the least transparent in history, continually ignoring questions from the press.

    96. Joe Biden holds the modern record for the number of days it took a president to hold his first press conference.

    97. Biden has not kept his promise on ethics agreements, facing mounting pressure to disclose the ethics agreements of his appointees.

    98. After establishing a cap on refugees not in line with the desires of his far-left base, Biden then backtracked and claimed that he didn’t say that the cap was “justified.”

    99. Remember when Biden was silent as his press secretary claimed for days that his reopening goal was only 50% of the schools for one day a week? Was he just not paying attention all that time?

    Biden later contradicted his own press secretary on reopening schools, claiming she made a “mistake.”
    Joe Biden’s presidency has been one stumble after another. It has only been 100 days, and the American people are already paying a steep price for his failures.
      August 11, 2021 11:41 PM MDT