Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » CRIKEY! Due to the Delta surgy spiky we're advised to go back to DOUBLE MASKING AGAIN! ! ARE YA GONNA?

CRIKEY! Due to the Delta surgy spiky we're advised to go back to DOUBLE MASKING AGAIN! ! ARE YA GONNA?

Posted - August 20, 2021


  • 2706
      I never double-masked, to begin with, so my answer is no.
      August 20, 2021 10:13 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I never double-masked, either.
    Nor do I know anybody who did.
    Since masks were in short supply, we were lucky if we could follow the recommendation to wear a different mask daily (let alone every time we took it off).
      August 20, 2021 11:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Jim bought a box of SIX HUNDRED. I double-masked for awhile and also wore a face shield Walt. Then I just single-masked but I am reinstituting the DOUBLE MASKING. It doesn't feel any worse than a single mask so why not? What could it hurt? What the he** right? This way of life will never end you know. NEVER EVER. We here's to stay and so it. Because the stupid dumbs will naver ever smarten up. They die and run out of body bags to hearses or places to stack the dead and she they REFUSE to mask. Unless they all die off we are doomed. Thank you for your reply Walt! :)
      August 21, 2021 4:55 AM MDT

  • 35077
    I never doubled.
    I am not masking at all currently. 
      August 20, 2021 12:18 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Neither am I. Most of the businesses in this area don't require masks either.
      August 20, 2021 3:48 PM MDT

  • 10799
    No.  I'm still using the masks my sister made and they're VERY thick.

    As of today, mask are once again mandatory in this county - NO exceptions!  Cases are spiking and deaths are increasing (gee, I wonder why)
      August 20, 2021 4:15 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You know New Zealand LOCKED DOWN IMMEDIATELY after discovering ONE CASE of COVID. Saw a report yesterday of deep south states BRIGHT RED running out of ICU beds for CHILDREN for goodness sakes. Now it is the children who are getting sick being hospitalized and even on ventilators. Not in huge numbers YET and still you have a Fla guv snot clod fighting masking and Tex guv rabbit mandating against it and the parents are going nuts. What kind of rotgut nuts are they anyway? And the beat goes on. What next I ask every day. Do you have a clue? Alabama doc says their health care system is going to collapse. So far 2700 are in ICU and by next week they expect 5000. They are already out of luck trying to handle it. What happens next week when the sick double in number? That's just Alabama. All the other red states are in dire straits. And still the mandates against health keep being enforced. Nutjob crackpots. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 21, 2021 12:22 PM MDT
      August 21, 2021 2:47 AM MDT

  • 10799
    They're so caught up in themselves that they can no longer discern what they're doing.  They're egotism has blinded them to their stupidity.  To them, common sense is persecution.  And the deeper they sink into their delusion, the more logical it sounds to their followers.  They'd literally  fight tooth and nail just to be first in line for a firing squad, believing it to be a gun concert (I'm not being political here).
      August 21, 2021 12:44 PM MDT

  • 113301
    This time around it is the children who getting hit worst. This doesn't seem to matter to any of them. Kids filling up ICU beds and on ventilators and here and there one dies! THE CHILDREN. But no one budges an inch. Sameoldsdameoldsameold. They run out of body bags and places to put the dead bodies and no one changes anything. It will get worse. They don't grasp it and or they do and they just don't care. It's the most bizarro weirdest thing I've ever witnessed. I know there's a lot more bizarro ahead of us. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :).
      August 21, 2021 12:50 PM MDT

  • 10799
    They can't grasp.  They are so blinded and bound to their agenda that they actually think they are doing the kids a service.

    You're trying to comprehend this with a logical mind.  But there is no logic to foolishness.  
      August 21, 2021 1:49 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It seems to me I have cautioned you similarly at times vis a vis LOGIC. Very true what you say. Expecting blood from a stone is foolish. Expecting logic from the antivax GUANOHEADS is a fool's errand. So here we are in the sameoldsameoldsameold with one exception. And that is now it is the children who are most at risk. Even that doesn't budge them at all. If that doesn't what will? Nuttin' honey. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      August 22, 2021 1:52 AM MDT

  • 17088
    Single masking is sufficient, provided that EVERYONE does it. It only takes one entitled idiot to infect a multitude.
      August 22, 2021 3:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Well of course there are different masks available R. I think it is those blue ones that are everywhere to which they refer doubling. Those are the masks we have. Jim bought a box of 600 months ago and I told him we would never use them. I was wrong. I think we will be masking until we die. Some idiots will continue spreading Covid forever. I know. Dark thought isn't it? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 23, 2021 2:35 AM MDT
      August 23, 2021 2:34 AM MDT

  • 216
    My mask has 7 layers in total, therefore double masking would probably be less protection.
      August 22, 2021 3:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    7 layers? I think the ones "they" suggest doubling are those blue ones that are ubiquitous. Thank you for your reply GLOLO and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :)
      August 23, 2021 2:36 AM MDT