This question was inspired by a discussion on another post about turnpikes and thruways.
On the east coast people call freeways expressways, but in the central USA freeways and expressways are two different things. In the middle of the country, a freeway is a highway that has at least four lanes, has a grassy area or wall in the center and has only exit and entrance ramps and bridges.
An expressway is a highway that has at least four lanes, has a grassy area or wall in the center, but it has regular intersections at some junctions, traffic lights spaced far apart and bridges with exit and entrance ramps at some other junctions. So, what do people on the east coast call that kind of highway?
¿Y qué tal la palabra “carratera”?
¡Gracias, muchísimas gracias!
I do not know. I’m still on a campaign to round up all the East Coasters who pronounce “Chavez” with the sh sound found in “sherry”, “Sherry”, “shoes”, “shove”, “shatter” and “Shaw” instead of the correct and proper ch sound found in “cherry”, “cheerful“, “chummy”, “choice”, and “Chavez”. I’d like to have them hauled off to RE-Education Camps run by the Grammar Police so that they may undergo extensive er, um, “lessons” to correct their deficiencies before being released back into everyday society. Grrrrrrr.