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Do you make a grocery list before you go shopping for groceries?

I always make a list before I go grocery-shopping. 

My grocery-shopping list is very low tech: I write on a piece of paper the groceries that I need to buy.  

Posted - September 16, 2021


  • 13277
    A grocery list for grocery shopping. That makes sense. What other kind of list would one make for grocery shopping, a Christmas list?
      September 16, 2021 6:10 PM MDT

  • Perhaps not a paper list that I make when I go grocery shopping.  I've seen shoppers in grocery stores check their smart phones for their grocery list.  

      September 16, 2021 6:17 PM MDT

  • 13277
    What difference does it make if it's on paper or a phone?
      September 16, 2021 6:37 PM MDT

  • 11420
    I keep the grocery list in my head so I don't lose it and  risk someone finding it and seeing how well we eat then inviting themselfs over for supper. I do all the grocery shopping and it helps keep my mind sharp. As I shop I have to first remember what we need  well  keeping a running cost total in my head and sometimes useing  algebra to find the best value. Cheers!
      September 16, 2021 7:17 PM MDT

  • 10798
    Always.  It's the best way to stick to a budget.  No impulse buying.

      September 16, 2021 9:13 PM MDT

  • 13395
    I always write my grocery list while sitting on the can to save time then I forget what I did with it and go shopping without a list.

    Just as well, I think because whatever stuff I do remember to buy is probably the only things I need anyway.
      September 16, 2021 9:21 PM MDT

  • 17660
    Yes.  Then I leave it on my desk when I go to the store. 
      September 16, 2021 10:09 PM MDT

  • 2706
    No, I don't make a list. I already know what I need so it's not a problem. :)
      September 17, 2021 1:56 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I make a list and when I get close to the day I'm going food shopping, put it in my pocketbook so I don't forget it.  I will add to it if I need something more.  If I don't make a list, I usually forget some item.
      September 17, 2021 9:21 AM MDT

  • 3136
    I keep a running list on my phone for a quick referral guide while shopping. 
      September 17, 2021 10:29 AM MDT

  • 7812
    Nah! Even when I food shop online.
      September 17, 2021 10:47 AM MDT

  • 11591
    I shop online and pick it up. I add items to my cart throughout the week which is my way of making a list.
      September 17, 2021 6:42 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Almost always. I prefer paper lists, but then I run the risk of forgetting it. 
      September 17, 2021 8:17 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Oh, and if I don't have a list and stick to it, then I wander aimlessly and buy a bunch of stuff I don't even have time to eat before it goes bad! 

    I've realized that I've never quite adapted to shopping for one person. Thank goodness for 1/2 loaves of bread! 
      September 17, 2021 8:21 PM MDT

  • 13395
    You could  wash all the produce, cut it up and put it in the freezer so it doesn't go bad.
      September 17, 2021 10:38 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Yes, true. Some things you can't really freeze. Well, you can but it compromises the integrity. Ever tried to freeze lettuces or watermelon? Not the same when they thaw. Berries are easily freezable, though. 
      September 18, 2021 1:31 PM MDT

  • 13395
    I've seen the results of freezing bananas too, not so good.
      September 18, 2021 2:33 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Yeah, they used to sell them at fairs - with chocolate and nuts on them, on a stick. Gross. 
      September 18, 2021 7:52 PM MDT

  • 35077
    No, not normally.
      September 18, 2021 4:46 PM MDT