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How wrong was I? Just wrong, or very, very, very, VERY wrong?


When Trump came down the escalator and told us Mexicans were rapists, I thought the country would laugh him off.  They didn't.
When Trump told us it was good to grab women by their privates, I thought the country would throw up.  They didn't.
When Trump made fun of the disabled person, I thought the country would turn away from him.  They didn't.

When Trump lost the debates to Clinton, I thought the country would reject him.  They didn't.

When Trump was impeached the first time, I thought for sure the Constitutional loving right wing would convict him.  They didn't.

I absolutely thought they would convict him the second time.  They didn't.

When he lied about the election being stolen, I thought the America loving right wing, would reject him.   They didn't.

When Trump mob attacked the capitol on Jan 6, I thought the USA loving Republicans would stand behind their congress..  They didn't..

When the Cyber Ninja releases the results of the Arizona audit tomorrow, I think they're gonna say Trump lost..  They won't.

So, when Trump tries once again to take over the country, will the right wing let him?  And if they do, will that spell the END of our democracy?


Posted - September 23, 2021


  • 19937
    I suspect that if you added the number of votes that Trump thinks should have been his in Arizona, he would still have lost the election.
      September 23, 2021 12:13 PM MDT

  • 35077
    When Trump came down the escalator and told us Mexicans were rapists, I thought the country would laugh him off.  They didn't.

    NOT what he said.  He was talking about the fact that any female making that trip to the border knows....they will need birth control. Because they will be raped.   Either by the human trafficker or by one of the other men in the group.  He said some of them were good people. 
    When Trump told us it was good to grab women by their privates, I thought the country would throw up.  They didn't.

    Again not what he said.  He said it was locker room talk. 
    When Trump made fun of the disabled person, I thought the country would turn away from him.  They didn't.

    I was not happy with all of Trump's actions or the way he words somethings.  But it comes down to policies that is what matters in the long scheme of things and on that he is better than any other "Republican" we have had. 

    When Trump lost the debates to Clinton, I thought the country would reject him.  They didn't.

    He did not loose a debate to Clinton. 

    When Trump was impeached the first time, I thought for sure the Constitutional loving right wing would convict him.  They didn't.

    The call cleared him. 

    I absolutely thought they would convict him the second time.  They didn't.

    Again he did nothing to convict. "Peacefully march and cheer...."  Who benefited from the "insurrection" not Trump.  Who let protesters inside? Capitol Police. Who did not bother to have extra NG to help that day?....Pelosi and McConnell made that call. This was the 2nd impeachment were we had a complete transcript clearing President Trump of any wrongdoing. 

    When he lied about the election being stolen, I thought the America loving right wing, would reject him.   They didn't.

    Too many indications of fraud. That courts etc refused to look at.  There are many real audits in several states going on right now.  It will not change the declared election result.  BUT it will help to fix the laws so it does not happen again.

    When Trump mob attacked the capitol on Jan 6, I thought the USA loving Republicans would stand behind their congress.  They didn't..

    We reject the crazies who attacked.  Not all were Trump mob.  Many were antifa people instigating.  Many were allowed in by the police.  As of right now, NO ONE has been charged with insurrection.  Most just trespassing.  Any who did violence should be prosecuted for the crime.   Just as those who did violence last summer should be as well.  

    When the Cyber Ninja releases the results of the Arizona audit tomorrow, I think they're gonna say Trump lost..  They won't.

    Your are right they will not.   I am looking forward to this afternoon. :)

    So, when Trump tries once again to take over the country, will the right wing let him?  And if they do, will that spell the END of our democracy?

    We have a republic. 

     Trump will win in 2024.  As long as we get the integrity back into our elections.


    Be of age and a legal voter
    Vote when and where you are supposed to vote
    ID to vote (even for mail in) to prove you are that legal citizen whom you are casting a vote


    You should post more. You are missed here. 

    This post was edited by my2cents at September 24, 2021 9:53 AM MDT
      September 24, 2021 9:42 AM MDT

  • 19937
    "When Trump told us it was good to grab women by their privates, I thought the country would throw up.  They didn't.

    Again not what he said.  He said it was locker room talk. "

    If you think that isn't what he said, listen to him on this tape.

      September 25, 2021 10:12 AM MDT

  • 19937
    "When Trump came down the escalator and told us Mexicans were rapists, I thought the country would laugh him off.  They didn't.

    NOT what he said.  He was talking about the fact that any female making that trip to the border knows....they will need birth control. Because they will be raped.   Either by the human trafficker or by one of the other men in the group.  He said some of them were good people. "

    Not what he said?  Check this video out.
      September 25, 2021 10:18 AM MDT

  • 19937
    "When the Cyber Ninja releases the results of the Arizona audit tomorrow, I think they're gonna say Trump lost..  They won't.

    Your are right they will not.   I am looking forward to this afternoon. :)"

    CyberNinja, whose CEO is somewhat of a conspiracy theorist, has said that the votes for Trump that they did fin Arizona would still not have made him the winner.



    The partisan review came up with a vote tally that would not have altered the outcome, finding that Biden won by 360 more votes than the official results certified last year.

    "Cyber Ninjas releases findings on Maricopa County election audit

     The partisan review came up with a vote tally that would not have altered the outcome, finding that Biden won by 360 more votes than the official results certified last year."

      September 25, 2021 10:25 AM MDT

  • 35077
    And as I said on the other question.  Yes recounting the ballots.  Nothing changes when you count the fraudulent ballots.  

    There are over 40,000 questionable/fraudultent ballots.  When you remove these....there is not winner because we do not know who these people voted for....balance difference in AZ is only 11,000.  

    Here is link to the report.  Page 5 shows the fraudulent votes.
      September 25, 2021 11:27 AM MDT

  • 19937
      September 25, 2021 1:58 PM MDT

  • 35077
    Yes...because of fraud. 
      September 25, 2021 3:02 PM MDT

  • 19937

    The have counted, recounted, counted again manally, counted by machine and recounted and not on, NOT ONE recount would have made a difference in the outcome.


      September 25, 2021 7:20 PM MDT

  • 35077
    Why is. It so hard to understand that if you just count the fraud/fake votes over and over again then you come up with the same result. 

    Ie. make a deposit in the bank of $50,000 but the bank thinks some of that money is fake.  If you continue to count the real money with the fake money it will still add up to $50,000.  You have to remove or deduct the fake money to get the real deposit amount. 

    There are 40,000 possible fraudulent votes and the balance between the candidates is on 11,000. 

      September 25, 2021 7:54 PM MDT

  • 35077
    From CNN Lemmon interview: 
    DONALD TRUMP, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, if you look at the statistics of people, I didn't say Mexicans -- I said the illegal immigrants. If you look at the statistics on rape, on crime, on everything, coming in illegally into this country, they're mind-boggling. If you go to Fusion, you will see a story about 80% of the women coming in, you have to take a look at these stories. And you know who owns Fusion? Univision. It was in The Huffington Post. I said, let me get some of these articles because I've heard some horrible things. I do a lot of talking with people on the border patrol. They're incredible people. They help our country.

    DON LEMON: But I want some clarification --

    TRUMP: No, but Don, all you have to do is go to Fusion and pick up the stories on rape and it is unbelievable when you look at what is going on. So all I am doing is telling the truth.

    LEMON: I've read The Washington post, I read the Fusion, I read The Huffington Post. And that's about women being raped, it's not about criminals coming across the border entering the country.

    TRUMP: Somebody is doing the raping, Don, I mean, you know -- I mean, somebody's doing it. You think it's women being raped, well who is doing the raping? Who is doing the raping? I mean how can you say such a thing.


    He was talking about the women being raped on their way to the US border.

    “Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream?” the 2014 piece, written by Erin Siegal McIntyre and Deborah Bonello, found that “a staggering 80 percent of Central American girls and women crossing Mexico en route to the United States are raped along the way.” According to Fusion’s reporting, “perpetrators can be coyotes, other migrants, bandits, or even government authorities.”  

    All of these people they encounter on the way to the border would be Mexicans. 

    (ignore the link---the article has been taken down....surprise surprise) This post was edited by my2cents at September 25, 2021 3:18 PM MDT
      September 25, 2021 3:11 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Trump said what he said.  I showed you the video of him saying.  Are you saying you didn't hear the same words out of his mouth that I did?  I don't care what you claim he said before or after that.  HE SAID WHAT HE SAID AND THE VIDEOTAPE WITH HIM SAYING IT PROVES IT.
      September 25, 2021 7:16 PM MDT

  • 35077
    He some one them are good people.  The rape comment is about women being raped on the way to the border.  Not hard to understand what he is talking about. 
      September 25, 2021 7:56 PM MDT

  • 11420
    I thought the same way about all the things you mentioned plus when he asked if he could nuke a hurricane I thought that they would lock him in a loony bin - they didn't. Trump will try to take over the country again and the right will try to help him but they will fail harder then they did the first time. I used to think that the military might back Trump but thanks to general Milley I can now see that that won't happen. Cheers!  
      September 24, 2021 10:47 AM MDT

  • 17081
    Hopefully the combination of chronic indolence and a diet of junk food will cause a fatal infarction or stroke. I'm actually surprised he's survived this long.

    Trump will be under indictment on multiple charges of tax evasion by this time next year, the only reason he hasn't been charged yet is because they are counting the number of charges to bring, as more and more evidence comes to light.
      September 24, 2021 11:27 PM MDT

  • 35077
    Yeah, the NY PA found so many charges for Trump....
      September 25, 2021 4:43 AM MDT

  • 11591
    “Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.”  Carl Sagan, 1995
      September 25, 2021 4:25 PM MDT