Discussion » Questions » Television and Movies » Fans of NCIS...Gibbs is officially gone. Will it ever be the same?

Fans of NCIS...Gibbs is officially gone. Will it ever be the same?

Posted - October 13, 2021


  • 23834
    I don't know the show well at all.
    But looking it up, I knew Harmon was in it. Seems his exit would change things, yeah.
      October 13, 2021 9:34 PM MDT

  • 17053
    I stopped watching when Pauley Perrette quit. Abby was my favourite character.
      October 13, 2021 9:37 PM MDT

  • 19937
    It seems the show has gone downhill since Perette's departure.  I am not at all fond of the gal who has replaced her - I find her really annoying.  I absolutely couldn't stand the Bishop actress either and wasn't at all unhappy about her leaving.  Her replacement is not bad - she did a stint on Hawaii Five-O and I liked her in that.  I can't make up my mind about Valderrama - one day he's OK, the next he's annoying.  I really like McGee and I love that they strengthened the Palmer character now that Ducky makes so few appearances.  I'll give it a chance to see if Cole makes it worthwhile. This post was edited by SpunkySenior at October 16, 2021 9:22 PM MDT
      October 14, 2021 8:40 AM MDT

  • 7809
    No, and that's why it'll be gone forever in a season or two and that's pushing it.
      October 13, 2021 9:38 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I've watched the series from its inception.  There are always changes in a show that runs that long, but Gibbs (Harmon) was the strongest character and the series was able to overcome cast changes.  Now that he is gone, there aren't really any other characters with the strength to carry the series unless Gary Cole can somehow convince viewers that he and the others are worth tuning in for every week.  
      October 13, 2021 9:39 PM MDT

  • 6023
    I was disappointed with Perette's departure.  Mainly 'cause I had a celebrity crush on her.  LOL

    I haven't watched the show in a while, so I guess I'll have to catch up.
    I can't imagine it without Gibbs.  

    BTW - the New Orleans spin off was okay, but I just couldn't get as involved in the characters.
      October 14, 2021 9:18 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I liked her character, too.  I liked the New Orleans spinoff with the original characters.  I am sorry that they decided not to continue the series.  I really do like the Los Angeles spinoff, though I wish Hetty would come back.  I was very happy to know that Gerald McRainey was going to be taking her place.  I really like the grumpy/funny/sarcastic character they created for him.  He's perfect in the part.  
      October 15, 2021 6:55 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I didn't realize it was still on. I quit watching a during the season after Ziva left. Zeva? I don't know - the Israeli female character. Odd, because I really preferred the first female lead character (Kate) and never really enjoyed the Ziva character. 

    I hope no one thinks that it's because she was Israeli! 

    I didn't love the Gibbs character, but I've liked Mark Harmon since his St. Elsewhere days. 

      October 16, 2021 9:22 PM MDT

  • 44752
    Ziva was awesome.
      October 17, 2021 8:37 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I didn't find the whole mispronunciations and word misuse thing amusing. 

    But I can understand why you liked her. 

    Mark Harmon is awesome. :)
      October 17, 2021 7:13 PM MDT

  • 44752
    Word usage...mispronunciations? huh?
      October 17, 2021 7:47 PM MDT