Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Why are some people so quick to criticise others? Why can't they see that criticising others makes themselves look bad?

Why are some people so quick to criticise others? Why can't they see that criticising others makes themselves look bad?

It makes them look like selfish arrogant jerks, don't you think?

Posted - July 3, 2016


  • 22891

    cause they probably dont care what people think

      July 3, 2016 6:30 PM MDT

  • 53676

    First of all, it wasn't murder.  As you so accurately stated, it's not about whether or not you agree, and there is a legal definition of murder, which in turn means the mere inconsequential fact that you see it as murder is a moot point.

    I brought that particular topic into the discussion because it is in direct relation to it; criticizing others.  If you decry it on one hand yet you do it yourself, that's confusing.


      July 3, 2016 10:26 PM MDT

  • 53676

    You're absolutely correct about the apostrophe; it is out of place.

    You absolutely INCORRECT when you state "you know as well as I do".  Come on, Andy, really?  A man as intelligent as you are puts out a clunker like that one.  Let's dissect it: you state that your own position on the issue of police officers using deadly force and you represent it as being my position also, even though you know that I have stated my opposition to it.  To infer that I know something just because it's what you believe is utterly ludicrous.  Had the officers committed a crime, had they been in the wrong, this might be a different conversation.  To pretend that the officers committed a criminal act or to turn a blind eye to the fact that they did not commit a crime is your choice to which you are perfectly entitled.  Please do not superimpose your silly choice onto me.

    Then, you state that there are varying degrees of criticism, but in the question above, you didn't specify that you were only referring to the type(s) of criticism that excludes any criticism(s) that you yourself proclaim.  How convenient.  You're perfectly fine to do something because it's not as bad as when others do it, and they're wrong for doing it because you have decided that they're wrong.  How big do you look for criticizing those police officers?  


      July 3, 2016 10:46 PM MDT
  • Bez


    All right then, Randy, why do you think it is OK for cops to murder other people, regardless of what they have done, while at the same time maintaining the right to arrest anyone else who commits the same crime? I think that, if other murderers should be subjected to the death penalty, so should the cops who take it upon themselves to commit that same crime. There is nothing silly about my reasoning, it is completely fair and I have stated it in black and white, with no silly grey areas to confuse matters. What is so silly about that?

      July 4, 2016 10:44 AM MDT
  • Bez


    It WAS murder. If I am reading your comments correctly, the "legal" definition of murder is when someone else who is not a cop kills another person, but not when a cop does it, am I right? I'm sorry, Randy, but if that is what you really mean then I can't take you seriously any more. MURDER IS MURDER, NO MATTER WHO COMMITS IT. End of discussion.

      July 4, 2016 10:48 AM MDT