Discussion » Questions » Food and Drink » The AnswerMug Challenge Series, Fork For Life, Knife For Life, or Spoon For Life Edition:

The AnswerMug Challenge Series, Fork For Life, Knife For Life, or Spoon For Life Edition:

If for whatever reason or reasons, you absolutely had to choose only one of the three above-listed utensils to eat with for the remainder of your life, what is it about the one you choose that makes it the most sensible and the most efficient of the three?

Posted - October 28, 2021


  • 44543
    A knife. It is difficult to cut various foods, such as meats, with a spoon or fork. It can also be used for cutting many other things.

      October 28, 2021 8:44 AM MDT

  • 10687
    A fork. It's the best option for eating politely in the company of others. Knives are useful for cutting, but you wouldn't put a sharp knife in your mouth. Both spoons and forks put limitations on which foods you can eat, but there are other ways to enjoy soup and ice cream without using a spoon whereas if you need to spear a bite of food, such as salad, a fork is the way to go.
      October 28, 2021 9:30 AM MDT

  • 13395
    A spoon because peas always roll off a fork when I try to feed myself and they won't stay on a knife either.
      October 28, 2021 12:11 PM MDT

  • 10557
    A spoon.  (Ever try eating broth with a fork?) 
    As one ... uh..., shall we say, "puts more mileage on their odometer", the... um... the "usable format" of their nourishment intake doesn't remain as... uh... as "diverse".  One might want to take this into mind when choosing a solitary eating utensil. 

      October 28, 2021 12:59 PM MDT

  • 33811
    Spoon. I cannot think of anything I could not eat with a spoon.  
      October 28, 2021 1:25 PM MDT

  • 10687
      October 28, 2021 5:39 PM MDT

  • 53369


      I can imagine someone shoveling it in with a spoon, I really can.

      October 28, 2021 6:46 PM MDT

  • 2706
    For me personally, it would depend on the situation. If it was a normal, everyday situation, I would choose a spoon. However, if it was a matter of survival, (gathering food, cutting down and cutting up items, etc) I would choose a knife. And because I chose a knife, fingers work well when eating what you prepared. :)
      October 28, 2021 2:01 PM MDT

  • 53369


      It’s not situational; single choice only. That’s what makes it a challenge.

      October 28, 2021 5:11 PM MDT

  • 2706
    I'll go with a knife then. :)
      October 28, 2021 7:54 PM MDT

  • 53369
      October 28, 2021 7:57 PM MDT

  • 2706
      October 28, 2021 7:58 PM MDT

  • 17564
    Spoon.  I didn't even think about this.  You can do all kinds of things with a spoon.  It's the only one with which you can eat soups and I do love soups.
      October 28, 2021 5:03 PM MDT

  • 6023

    Unless you have a serrated fork or spoon, it's difficult to cut food with those utensils.
    You can also use a knife to stab food, so it can replace the fork.
    Anything I would use a spoon for, I could use a small cup.
      October 29, 2021 11:08 AM MDT