Eg. driving a car.. old enough to vote... dating and kissing...
Well, it depends on how young you’re talking about. I’ll just say that before I was 10 years old, I don’t remember being envious of adults. I am sure that in my young mind I recognized the differences between what adults could do, had to do, should’ve done, were doing and what I as a child did or could not do. I had not yet made the connection in my mind that the difference between being able to run outside and play when I wanted to and being taken care of, a roof over my head, food to eat that was provided by someone else, none of that had impressed my young mind. Yet. Then fast forward to my teen years, in retrospect, I believe that I was certainly looking forward to things that I would be doing, but I did not associate it in my mind as a direct correlation of being envious of adults who are doing those things.
I found three typos, thanks for letting me know.