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Do you think Trump actually intends to run for president 2024? Google 'the greatest grift in US history'.

He is raking in huge dollars from his supporters promoting 'The Big Lie'.

Posted - November 28, 2021


  • 11399
    Yeah Trump is like Herpes - he never goes away. Trump has had a taste of having his hands in the biggest cookie jar in the World so he wants to be president again so he can get back in it. Plus he wants another taste of executive privilege. But the main reason Trump will run again is based on a desire for revenge. Cheers!
      November 28, 2021 11:33 AM MST

  • 13395
    He might run again if the odds in his favor look pretty sure he will win.
      November 28, 2021 11:58 AM MST

  • 11399
    I figure even if the odds are against him he will run so he can once again claim that the election was rigged then sit back with a big bucket of KFC and watch another riot. Cheers!
      November 28, 2021 12:42 PM MST

  • 2706
    It's hard to say. I don't think he has made it clear one way or the other.  I hope he does. I would love to see the Trump haters resort back to screaming into the sky and having a mental breakdown like they did when he won in 2016. I'm being facetious of course, about screaming into the sky and having a mental breakdown. However, I do hope that he runs again in 2024. Republicans need to net just five seats in the House and only one in the Senate next year (2022) to take back control of Congress. The GOP is also expected to benefit from redistricting in several key states that hold the potential to shift the balance of power in the House. I'm hoping beyond hope this happens. The reasons for this hope are clear to anyone who is a patriot, who loves the United States, the Constitution, and their freedoms and rights. :)
      November 29, 2021 11:38 AM MST

  • 13395
    There are indications that he might like to establish a dictatorship..
    He attacks the press
    Politicized rule of law
    Threatened to jail his opponents
    Praised dictators abroad
    Demonized minorities
    Spread conspiracy theories and lies
    Sought to seize power despite losing an election
    That's Mr Trump.
      November 29, 2021 11:50 AM MST

  • 35032
    Every one of those points can be applied to Biden.

    Who is locking people down and issuing health mandates...and warning us "his patience is wearing thin"?  

    Hates the press?  Biden does not even talk to real press....takes no questions that are unapproved.  And if he starts to his handlers cut his mic and start playing music so we cannot hear his nonsense answer.

    Politicized the rule of law... Again, Biden called a man who was proven innocent in a court of law a white supremist murderer.  Sends the CIA to PARENT'S homes because they disagreed with the school boards.

    Threatened to jail opponents...  Biden and co are still trying to jail Trump.  There are still protesters in jail with NO bail, no trial....who did not violence only trespassed.  But we have others who are released without any bail at all.   

    Praised dictators....  Biden has not stood up to China yet.  Said they are not even an enemy.  He is too busy making money from them and other countries.  Then we have the Taliban who he gave control and armed with our weapons. 

    Demonized minorities....Biden "you ain't black." "Urban jungle" "Obama...first articulate, CLEAN black....storybook, man" "must have an Indian accent to work at 7-11" etc.   

    Spread lies... like the Steele Dossier, or he was top in his class with more than one degree, or the Big Lie that he won the election. etc.   Look up Biden lies, the man does not know what the truth is. 

    Conspiracy theories.... The Steele Dossier, Russian interference, Super Predators (also goes with demonized minorities)

    Sought power despite losing an election....Trump sought to see audits in certain states.  Some are still ongoing. AZ has been proven that there are nearly 40,000 possible fraudulent ballots in a state Biden won by 11,000. GA has recently announced confirmed fraud as well.  No one is going to decertify but they will fix the laws so it does not happen again. 
      December 6, 2021 1:35 PM MST

  • 13395
    It took you long enough to find that. Dirt about Trump is all over the internet.
      December 6, 2021 10:53 PM MST

  • 35032
    Took me long enough?  That took no time at all I saw your post and it took me a whole minute to type the reply.  
      December 7, 2021 4:11 AM MST

  • 13395
    I posted on November 29 and you didn't reply until December 6.
      December 7, 2021 5:55 AM MST

  • 35032
    Just because you posted it, does not mean that is when I seen it.  I replied within a minute of seeing the post.  
    No need to look anything up.....Brandon is an idiot and there is so much more I could post about him that would apply as well....but I have to work and do not think it would matter. 
      December 7, 2021 7:12 AM MST

  • 1441

    '' Your organisation's terrible'' , '' dont be rude'' ,


    '' I'm not gonna give you a question, you are Fake News '' 



      December 3, 2021 12:16 PM MST

  • 2254
      December 3, 2021 1:01 PM MST