Discussion » Questions » Transportation » Do you have a driving habit that irritates other drivers? When I see a red light ahead, I release the gas pedal and cruise to a stop.

Do you have a driving habit that irritates other drivers? When I see a red light ahead, I release the gas pedal and cruise to a stop.

Some people get so angry, they changes lanes, floor it, and speed to the light, slamming on their brakes. Then I slowly cruise along side, look over and give them a smile.

Posted - January 27, 2022


  • 44765
    There are morons everywhere.
      January 27, 2022 2:35 PM MST

  • 19937
    That is very true.  However, I have generally found drivers in PA less rude than those in NY.
      January 27, 2022 9:23 PM MST

  • My list is almost the same as Shuhak's list, except I try not to exceed the speed limit by 10 km/h or more.  I also go the instant the light turns green.  I follow the traffic regulations because when the traffic police have a choice, they always choose me.  If I exceed the speed limit and I'm in the right lane, the traffic police will still choose me over the driver who passed me.  That's my curse.  I must always follow the rules even though others don't follow the rules.  The reason why I go the instant the light turns green is because we have a different light sequence.  Our traffic lights go from red to red and yellow and then to green.  I haven't seen that in North American countries.
      January 27, 2022 4:38 PM MST

  • 11586
    The other day I got honked at for driving too slow - in a PARKING LOT!
      January 27, 2022 5:11 PM MST

  • 44765
    That's crazy.
      January 27, 2022 6:47 PM MST

  • 17078
    Slow down if someone is tailgating. I don't let the idiot in the car behind me drive MY car.
      January 27, 2022 8:45 PM MST

  • 44765
    I'll give a brake tap for them.
      January 28, 2022 8:57 AM MST

  • 53693


      I’ve developed a different strategy for tailgaters; instead of a brake-check or tapping the brakes, I merely take my foot off of the accelerator, as my car slowly gets slower and slower, it takes tailgaters a few seconds to figure out what’s going on. Invariably, they see that riding my bumper does not get them their desired outcome. As they finally whip around my car in either the left lane or the right lane, I give them a polite wave and a smile when they pass me. 

      When I was growing up, my stepfather would often say while driving that he’d rather have idiots like that in far front of him than right behind him. When stupid or angry drivers passed him, he’d let them get as far away as possible for the traffic conditions. I believe I adopted that philosophy.


      January 30, 2022 7:47 AM MST

  • 44765
    I do the same. If they are in front, I know what they are doing.
      January 30, 2022 11:20 AM MST

  • 3719
    Judge that gentle approach right and with luck you don't need come to a stop, as the lights change just as you reach them!

    One of my local traffic-light sets is hidden just over the brow of a hill, and unless I have to stop behind someone on the way up anyway, I use the gradient to help slow my car.
      February 21, 2022 3:02 PM MST