Of course, you would not automatically suspect that Randy D personally had anything to do with a mess like that, right?
Pay them no mind. Go on about your your business, folks, nothing to see here, please just move along, break it up, go home please. Grrrrrrr.
Los Angeles (Tilde Times) - The tilde market took a terrible tumble Tuesday when reports that computers in the National Tilde Trust (NTT) had been hacked. NTT employees were first made aware of the incident when they tried to log onto their computers only to get a large American flag and the letters “RD” on their screens.
NTT officials are asking the public not to panic and are ensuring them that all their tildes are safe.
Fake news.
An extensive and intensive internet search reveals no such story. I cry foul.
From fake news to slander. I’m calling my attorney.
As well it should be.
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