You know what is hilarious about that experience? I still remember that is where I lost my first tooth! I remember forgetting that I was being punished and started to excitedly announce to the class what just happened. I was quickly allowed off the chair so I could wrap my little tooth to take home.
Yeah I was working for a company where I thought the management was being too unreasonable what they expected of me. I was loading a truck with drain tile pipes when the boss came out and started yelling at me for something. I kind of lost my cool and fired a pipe at him. He told me I was fired and get out of here. I felt kind of relieved to get away from that job anyway.
I chose to leave the inner city due to the bad behavior of the folks who were corrupt, murderous, drug dealing piles of crap. I knew it was time to leave when drug gang guys ran past my business dripping blood after a shoot out with another gang. BANG -BANG-BANG!