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Would Fox news of coverd the Buffalo shooting differnt if the shooter was black and the victims were white?

Laura Ingraham said the Buffalo shooting was nothing but hoopla created by the leftist media. And Tucker Carlson said - so what there were over 100 Americans shot over the weekend look there - this has nothing to do with me promoting the racist replacement theory. Cheers!

Posted - May 18, 2022


  • 4263
    You betcha they would have!
      May 18, 2022 8:53 AM MDT

  • 44752
    Of course. Did you hear about the white cop shot and killed by a black man here? I didn't think so.
      May 18, 2022 11:53 AM MDT

  • 35032
    More people than that are shot EVERY weekend in Chiraq. (CHICAGO)

    We do not need racists in this country. And any one who is violent needs punished. 

    But the "replacement theory" was NOT dreamed up by racists. It has been reported on for decades. 
      May 18, 2022 5:09 PM MDT

  • 17053
    And gun control is still decried by those who regard the Second Amendment in higher regard than the rest of the entire constitution (and completely ignore the fact that it is prefaced by "A WELL-REGULATED MILITIA" which in modern America means the National Guard and nobody else).
    The majority of gun control advocates DO NOT want you to get rid of your guns (yes, it worked in Australia but the societal norms down here are completely different and I do get that). They want you to REGISTER your guns, just like you do with anything else that is potentially dangerous. Do you protest outside the DMV, screaming "THEY'RE TAKING OUR CARS!" every time you have to renew your license and registration?
      May 18, 2022 5:59 PM MDT

  • 35032
    No it did not work in Australia.   
    Sexual assaults increased.  I do not consider that a win for Aussie women. 

    "All we can really say is that after the buyback, there were increases in sexual assault overall,” said Samara McPhedran, senior research fellow at Griffith University in Australia and chair of the International Coalition of Women in Shooting and Hunting. “However, the available information does not enable us to draw inferences about whether there is any connection between the two events.”

    She may not be willing to say it was the disarming of their citizens....but we can plainly see in the graph. Gun buybacks took place 1996-97 and 2003.
    This post was edited by my2cents at May 18, 2022 8:11 PM MDT
      May 18, 2022 7:21 PM MDT

  • 17053
    Straw man fallacy. You get more gun related murders a week than we get sexual assaults in a year.
      May 19, 2022 5:42 AM MDT

  • 35032
    We must compare apples to apples.  
    We are not comparing to US.  

    AU proves what 2nd amendment protectors have always believed.   When you disarm your citizens you harm your law abiding citizens.  Disarming law abiding citizens makes them sitting ducks for the criminals....they do not care about the laws, that is what makes them criminals. 

    Even though, I do not personally carry. The fact that conceal-carry is legal in my state without permits, protects me because the criminal cannot just assume I am unarmed. 

    But if you want to compare as you said number of rapes per year in AU to weekly firearms murders....we can do that. Not even taking into account the vast population difference.  

    AU rapes per year..2003 (last gun buyback) 18,000.  Or 2010 down to 6300.  (If you can find a more recent number post link) 

    US firearms murders ANNUAL: High year 11,000 in 2017. = 212 per week. 

    Last time I checked 6300>212
      May 19, 2022 7:19 AM MDT

  • 17053
    An estimate based on the assumption that 3 out of 10 sexual assaults on women, and less than 1 in 10 assaults on men are reported, and that extrapolated. Which was the case in 1992, it's at least double that now. Speaking out is a lot easier, with high profile advocates such as Grace Tame and Clementine Ford.
    "Assault" also covers such offences as unwanted groping and sexual threats, which while still a crime, is not rape.
    I may have not explained the earlier comment properly - I was not talking gross numbers, just the amount of the increase. The difference in assaults pre- and post- Port Arthur is much less than the combined number of firearms related murders per year in the US - and given that rape isn't exactly an infrequent occurrence in the States either (and less reported, if you're black you may as well not bother), your complete lack of gun laws doesn't seem to be helping much. This post was edited by Slartibartfast at May 19, 2022 4:43 PM MDT
      May 19, 2022 4:10 PM MDT

  • 35032
    My stats are rapes not the general term sexual assault. And yes rape is always underreported.  (Graph was assaults with firearms)  But the 18000 (2003) and 6300 are rape. 

    You said numbers.....and now that your numbers do not add up as you claimed, you want to claim that is not what you meant.   And the fact that gross number did not add up I'd sad considering the vast amount of population difference.  In 2003, AU was number 7 on the most rapes via country.  Again, when was the last buyback 2003.  
      May 19, 2022 5:11 PM MDT

  • 35032
      May 19, 2022 5:23 PM MDT

  • 17053
    The only reliable source of data (Australian Bureau of Statistics) does NOT delineate between various types of sexual assaults. Rape or catcalling carry the same weight in raw figures. My son was once accused of a sexual assault in his teens (exonerated - he told a girl who was immodestly dressed what he thought of her in an argument but didn't threaten to do anything to her), he was never accused of rape.
      May 19, 2022 7:20 PM MDT

  • 35032
    AGAIN, the raw numbers I used were for RAPE....not sexual assault.  Also your country knows the difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault.  SH (what your son should have been charged with if the PA expected to get a conviction)   

    In 2016, ABS lists over 800,000 reports of sexual harassment  just of people with disabilities.   

    So no, the 6300 number is not all of it lumped together. 
    This is ABS definition of Sexual Assault:

    Here is their definition if sexual harassment:

    In any case sexual assaults (see your country's definition above) increased when your government disarmed its citizens.  

      May 20, 2022 7:02 PM MDT