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After watching todays Jan. 6th hearing do you think this would be poetic justice?

After watching the hearings I think it would be poetic justice if Trump was sent to jail and his new male roommate had this photo hanging over his bunk and he had been fantasizing with it for years . Cheers! 

Posted - July 21, 2022


  • 10684
    He would find a way to turn that to his advantage. Seriously though, I don't think they can make criminal charges stick since Trump will deny any corrupt intent. Our best option is to make sure our system of checks and balances is strengthened, so corruption at the highest levels is harder to accomplish. 
      July 21, 2022 10:01 PM MDT

  • 16618
    If Donnie gets any form of custodial sentence at all, it would be home D - he'd simply live at Mar-a-Lago for the duration.
      July 21, 2022 11:13 PM MDT

  • 10948
    Yeah but a guy can dream. How I hope it works is if Trump gets charged with dereliction of duty, treason and domestic terrorism he is put in a military prison  because he was Commander in Chief. when he committed the crimes. Cheers!
      July 22, 2022 7:14 AM MDT