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Do you still think electric cars are the way to go?

Posted - September 18, 2022


  • 2964
    I was wondering about that very subject.  There seems to be plenty of concerns with electric cars but they are the future...eventually. 
      September 18, 2022 6:33 PM MDT

  • 33805
      September 18, 2022 7:01 PM MDT

  • 16618

    This is Venus. Venus swelters under a blanket of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide lets the sun's heat in at high frequency but doesn't let it back out again at lower frequency - so its surface temperature is 847F, considerably hotter than Mercury - it's hot enough to melt lead.
    Lithium mining (and a lot depends on the concentration, the newly commissioned lithium mine in Australia's Northern Territory requires barely more than a ton of ore) does that once. A fossil fuel powered engine emits CO2 by the hour, by the day, by the year.
    Powering a charging station by diesel is the height of ridiculousness, solar is the way we do it in Australia. Or from the grid - coal fired stations are closing ahead of schedule nationwide, the grid is being increasingly fed by solar, wind, hydro and in the interim, natural gas. Gas will be phased out as more solar thermal systems are commissioned and built - solar thermal can generate power at night.
      September 19, 2022 12:36 AM MDT

  • 44540
    Solar charging stations where practical.
      September 19, 2022 7:05 AM MDT

  • 322
      September 19, 2022 3:03 AM MDT

  • 53367


      When plastics were in their infancy of being introduced to the public in various products and various applications, their proponents touted how wonderful and necessary and problem-free they were, in addition to touting how they could and would replace numerous other materials. It took a few decades for that narrow minded perspective to come into sharper focus as the negative aspects of the product-of-the-future began to emerge. Nowadays, very few humans can go 24 hours without plastic/plastics playing a part in their lives and in their everyday activities, yet it is a harsh reality that the steps being taken to address the problems fall far short of the continuous manufacturing and use of the dangerous substance. 

      About a decade ago, progressive measures were ramping up one blight caused by plastics: an aim to get rid of shopping bags made of its iterations. Locally here in California, legislation was moving toward a permanent ban on them. Then along came COVID19, and with its topsy-turvy reorganization of almost everything in life, and suddenly, plastic grocery bags bans went from being essential to being back-burner items. The same levels of trash consisting of plastic bags returned to the numbers seen years before. 

      Foresight, especially in the extreme long range, should be applied to the electric car boon in ways that help prevent unintended consequences that mirror the plastic debacle.

      September 19, 2022 9:10 AM MDT

  • 2964
    I purchased a bottle of water that was in a milk like container.  My daughter keeps it on a shelf as a novelty.  I would like to see more of water in containers like that. 
      September 19, 2022 10:43 AM MDT

  • 844
    What I think is irrelevant. For thirty years or more, I've thought that a personal motor vehicle was eventually going to lead to environmental disaster. Moving to electric personal motor vehicles is a fantasy solution to the environmental impact as the world population keeps expanding. Over these decades, my personal opinion is that much of the technology and expense would have been put to better use in public transportation. Unfortunately, most of our society is set up so that it's almost impossible to get anywhere without a personal motor vehicle. Our local bus service is pretty comprehensive, but it still can't service everyone's situation. Perhaps the ride sharing business is a step in the right direction. Good public transportation and a more comprehensive system of ride sharing my be the catalyst for people to decide that owning and maintaining their own personal motor vehicle is just not worth it. Some of the blame can be put at the doorstep of the major vehicle manufacturing companies for building an American dream. My idea is that the only thing that you see on roads and highways are trucks, buses, taxis (if they can still compete with ride share) and rental vehicles used for ride share and individual special occasions. And those vehicles benefiting from ongoing innovations in technology. You see where all this brilliant planning has advanced transportation in our society? What I think is irrelevant. This post was edited by NYAD at September 28, 2022 7:40 AM MDT
      September 19, 2022 9:21 AM MDT

  • 17564
    I don't remember saying that I thought this......
      September 19, 2022 2:37 PM MDT

  • 23408

    Wile is my very good friend --  he came over and showed me my preferred way of travel.

      September 28, 2022 7:39 AM MDT