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How much of yapping crapping chattering battering talking squawking did you endure today?

Posted - October 6, 2022


  • 17077
    I'm in customer service, so putting up with Karens is what I do for a living. No, you can't speak to the manager.
      October 6, 2022 10:41 PM MDT

  • 44761
    The day is young, and the baby is here, so I'm in for a long one.
      October 7, 2022 7:08 AM MDT

  • 2256
    I bet you make have to cut some substances out a bit to keep your sanity. I'll bet you don't want to end up in a question box where you are never at peace. As a matter of fact, I think having a kid is the insane but good luck. It used to be a saner world I believe. Or kill your stress with some sedative. Said- a- tive. Or maybe its all the bad news in one place. Or you don't want to get beat up six months to Sunday in prison. I could never do it. Psycho social factors meh. Do you want to hear what happened? My older brother would nicely tell his kid to knock it off. The drinking I mean. He was crying about being abused by some female. The story I am about to present, is about being abused by some psychologically bent female. Its like they are sitting in the middle of a web trawling for victims. At least the American ones bent on feminism.
    My friend got a proud new job at Target. Well, he likes chicks and he ask one out. He is 29 and she is 18. He asked if she wanted a drink with him later. No harm. No foul. But she went and told the manager behind his back and he got chided and is paranoid about losing his job now. All last night, he was sulking and complaining about why why why. I could not give him a direct answer and that made me feel crazy too. Now he said he will never get married. She comes to the store in ruby red lipstick asking for it. He is saying over and over that I can't understand what she did. This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at October 7, 2022 7:33 AM MDT
      October 7, 2022 7:13 AM MDT

  • 44761
    I don't drink when children are around. I wish my mother had had the same philosophy.
      October 7, 2022 7:18 AM MDT

  • 53687

      January 15, 2023 7:24 AM MST

  • 4281
    I live alone and it's only 9:51 AM, so I haven't incurred any of it yet, but I do have to run some errands, so that could change.
      January 15, 2023 7:51 AM MST