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Discussion » Questions » Death and Dying » What are things people say about the dead or death that are meant to sound nice, but really aren’t nice?

What are things people say about the dead or death that are meant to sound nice, but really aren’t nice?

I know Grandpa’s looking down from heaven…

I hope not, lol.   Eww, he didn’t need to see that.

Posted - November 27, 2022


  • 23839
    I come from a Christian belief, so, though I understand others' points, I don't find some of the others' shared comments/answers insensitive.

    However, one thing I don't get --

    so often in obituaries I read, "So-and-so passed away with his/her loving family at his/her side."

    I question why the surviving family feels a need to publicly share that, as if they get brownie points for being there.

    I was not physically present when many people whom I love died. That does not make me love them less. And, if I were by someone who dies, it would not make me love them more than those who were not physically present.

    And I realize that perhaps my entire answer may be not nice.
      November 29, 2022 6:26 PM MST

  • 11584
    I always thought that stating that the person did not die alone provides information and comfort to those reading the obituary. But then, I have often been told I makes excuses for the actions of others. Thanks for sharing another perspective.
      November 29, 2022 6:40 PM MST

  • 23839
    You're welcome.  :)
    And I thank you for sharing some other perspectives, too.  :)
      November 30, 2022 8:12 PM MST

  • 5450
    Typically someone at the funeral home writes the obituary with some input from the family, so they might just put that in automatically.
      November 29, 2022 6:57 PM MST

  • 23839
    Hadn't thought of that. 
    Thanks.  :)
      November 30, 2022 8:12 PM MST