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Relax will ya!?

Airports Authority chief Winston Suite said the bizarre death Sunday night was an apparent suicide.

Police said Daniel John O'Brien, 31, of Roselle, Ill., scaled an airport wall in the nude, attacked four security guards and stole their four-wheel-drive vehicle.

He drove the jeep onto the tarmac to a British Airways 747 that was readying for takeoff, smashing the vehicle’s top. Guards said O'Brien scrambled out of the wreckage, smeared grease on his bleeding shoulder, then ran back to the jetliner and threw himself into the engine.


Posted - January 10, 2023


  • 23866

    (Wow -- I was ready to answer your question without reading the added details.)

    Without that event of which I haven't heard,

    I suggest to everyone on answerMug and everyone else in the world - - feel free to ask me that any time.  :) 
      March 9, 2023 4:49 PM MST

  • 2261
    I gotta add Welby, I got to add I am glad I am me. 
      March 9, 2023 4:53 PM MST

  • 23866
    I am glad you are glad to be you, too.  I think we all can be our best when we simply are who we are.  :)  
      March 9, 2023 4:56 PM MST