Try to stay cool. I'm going to spend some time at the family getaway about 850 miles north of here. The rest of the time I'll be here unless I go up to see my daughter, which is just as far as the the other place but not the same destination.
HoneyDew, I like this summer question here! Okay at summertime, I may do summer outdoor stuff- 1. I will go fishing-using fishing pole & tackle box.-Maybe go on a boat ride with that too. 2. I will go out to many places & restaurants, as the summer days are much longer. 3. Farther from the summer I probably will take an airplane & go to Walt Disney World, or to go see the Grand Canyon. 4. I may go out & walk around the backyard picking flowers, do gardening, landscaping along with mowing the lawn of the really beautiful summer backyard scene.
To share with you-I may do research online & tell you more about these places that I tell you that I will be going to shown here.