Discussion » Questions » Politics » Is it/Should it be the state/Fed governments responsibility to help mentally ill people in their state?

Is it/Should it be the state/Fed governments responsibility to help mentally ill people in their state?

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Posted - May 8, 2023


  • 2964
    I'm old enough to remember when we had mental hospitals run by the state.  I also remember when they closed them all and sent the mentally ill into the street where they remain to this day.  It was a travesty then and is a travesty now. The only time many ill folks can get help is if they are in crisis and seek help on their own which is wishful thinking.  
    Yes, the government should be involved.

    This post was edited by Honey Dew at May 8, 2023 7:04 PM MDT
      May 8, 2023 8:19 AM MDT

  • 10727
    That happened in Canada too. Our Government privatised a lot of the mental health facilities and it made a mess of things. Cheers!
      May 8, 2023 8:22 AM MDT

  • 2964
    The move here was motivated, they said, to save money.  What actually happened is the cost is millions more than it was, in crime and folks using emergency services for doctor appointments.  It all has become an enormous burden on funds. 
      May 8, 2023 6:21 PM MDT