*Note to self: immediately remove the 12 pack large economy size models bottles of snail slime serum from the gift box that is destined for the Minneapolis address, stat! (Gee, some women make it so difficult to shop for them. Grrrrrrrrrr.)
Slow down the gifts, or slow down the women? (Remember, Randall D Randolph only likes fast women.)
((((((Pssst, she in particular is a rather slippery one, I can barely keep her closer than arm’s length as it is, and the 1,000-foot condition of the fake online restraining orders don’t doesn’t make things any easier for me. Snail extract is purely experimental until I’ve improved the cargo net that explodes from a bouquet of flowers. I’ve had to come up with off-the-wall yet innovative measures to further the relationship, albeit without much help from her. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.))))
I like the way you think! Listen, maybe you can get together with her for some girl talk and put in a few good words for me!
Orders schmorders! They’re only the fake online version, which I ignore completely and fly to Minneapolis as often as possible. Besides, real or fake, I’d ignore them anyway: red-hot love lust cannot be curtailed by red tape. Grrrrrrr.
No, I did not know that. Thank you for enlightening me.
(By the way, what is a gift that would interest you? You should know that I can be at your door with it in no time, I always have a standby ticket for the San Diego to Minneapolis flight.)
Welby, not so loud with that! You might give them ideas, they’ll concoct it and put it on the market! Shhhhh! Grrrrrrr.
Traitor. You’re now dead to me.